octarchy — /ok tahr kee/, n., pl. octarchies. 1. a government by eight persons. 2. a group of eight states or kingdoms. [1795 1805; OCT + ARCHY] * * * … Universalium
octarchy — noun a) A government consisting of eight people b) An alliance of eight countries … Wiktionary
octarchy — government by eight people Forms of Government … Phrontistery dictionary
octarchy — oc·tarchy … English syllables
octarchy — /ˈɒktaki/ (say oktahkee) noun (plural octarchies) 1. a government by eight persons. 2. a group of eight states or kingdoms. {oct + archy} …
octarchy — n. government by eight persons; alliance of eight independent governments … Dictionary of difficult words
octarchy — ˈäkˌtärkē noun ( es) Etymology: octa + archy 1. : a government by eight persons 2. : a confederacy of Anglo Saxon kingdoms considered as having eight rulers compare heptarchy … Useful english dictionary
Forms of Government — It has been suggested that every government which has ever existed has been a prime example of kakistocracy, or the rule of the worst, but this list of 169 different types of leadership suggests that that might be a bit too simplistic. Each of… … Phrontistery dictionary
heptarchy — /heptarkiy/ A government exercised by seven persons, or a nation divided into seven governments. In the year 560, seven different monarchies had been formed in England by the German tribes, namely, that of Kent by the Jutes; those of Sussex,… … Black's law dictionary
heptarchy — /heptarkiy/ A government exercised by seven persons, or a nation divided into seven governments. In the year 560, seven different monarchies had been formed in England by the German tribes, namely, that of Kent by the Jutes; those of Sussex,… … Black's law dictionary