Смотреть что такое "octastich" в других словарях:
octastich — oc·ta·stich … English syllables
octastich — n. poem or stanza of eight lines … Dictionary of difficult words
octastich — … Useful english dictionary
book — Synonyms and related words: Holy Writ, Scripture, Spenserian stanza, accuse, airing, allege, ante, antistrophe, arraign, article, back matter, balance, balance the books, bandying, bespeak, bet, bill, booklet, brief, bring accusation, bring… … Moby Thesaurus
burden — Synonyms and related words: Spenserian stanza, accommodation, add, adjoin, affix, afflict, affliction, agglutinate, agitate, albatross, allegiance, amount, anacrusis, annex, antistrophe, append, arraignability, arraignableness, assigned task,… … Moby Thesaurus
canto — Synonyms and related words: Spenserian stanza, accompaniment, air, alto, antistrophe, aria, baritone, bass, basso continuo, basso ostinato, bassus, book, burden, cantus, cantus figuratus, cantus planus, chorus, continuo, contralto, couplet,… … Moby Thesaurus
chorus — Synonyms and related words: Liederkranz, Liedertafel, PS, Parthian shot, Spenserian stanza, a cappella, acclamation, accord, accordance, act like, acting company, addendum, affect, affinity, afterthought, agreement, agreement of all, anacrusis,… … Moby Thesaurus
couplet — Synonyms and related words: Spenserian stanza, antistrophe, book, both, brace, burden, canto, chorus, couple, distich, double harness, doublet, duad, duet, duo, dyad, envoi, epode, heptastich, hexastich, line, match, mates, measure, monostich,… … Moby Thesaurus
line — Synonyms and related words: DMZ, Indian file, L, MO, Spenserian stanza, WATS, WATS line, Zeitgeist, abut, accommodation, accompaniment, accord, accordance, aceldama, acknowledgment, acquiescence, acquire, action, activity, adaptation, adaption,… … Moby Thesaurus
measure — Synonyms and related words: A, Alexandrine, Spenserian stanza, Stabreim, a, accent, accent mark, accentuation, accommodate, accommodation, accomplished fact, accomplishment, accord, achievement, acreage, act, acta, action, ad hoc measure, adapt,… … Moby Thesaurus
octave — Synonyms and related words: English horn, Octateuch, Spenserian stanza, antistrophe, bassoon, block flute, bombard, book, bourdon, burden, canto, cello, chorus, claribel, clarinet, clarion, concert flute, consecutive intervals, contraoctave,… … Moby Thesaurus