
ɔˈklu:d гл.
1) преграждать, закрывать (отверстие, проход) ;
закупоривать a thrombus occluding an arteryтромб, закупоривающий артерию Syn : obstruct
2) смыкаться (о зубах) His teeth do not occlude properly. ≈ У него неправильный прикус.
3) скрывать, утаивать Syn : conceal закрывать (отверстие) ;
перекрывать - to * pores закрывать поры (специальное) преграждать (путь) ;
мешать - to sink ships to * the harbour затопить корабли, чтобы закрыть вход в гавань - to * comprehension затруднять понимание (химическое) поглощать (газы) ;
окклюдировать прикусывать, смыкать зубы смыкаться (о зубах) - his teeth do not * properly у него неправильный прикус (метеорология) образовывать фронт окклюзии occlude преграждать, закрывать (отверстие, проход) ;
закупоривать ~ смыкаться (о зубах)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "occlude" в других словарях:

  • Occlude — Oc*clude , v. t. [L. occludere, occlusum; ob (see {Ob }) + claudere to shut.] 1. To shut up; to close. Sir T. Browne. [1913 Webster] 2. (Chem.) To take in and retain; to absorb; said especially with respect to gases; as, iron, platinum, and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • occlude — I verb arrest, bar, barricade, block, blockade, check, choke off, close, cork, cover, dam up, debar, deter, fasten, hamper, hedge in, hem in, hinder, impede, inhibit, intercept, interclude, interrupt, lock, obstruct, obturate, oppilate, plug,… …   Law dictionary

  • occlude — (v.) 1590s, from L. occludere (pp. occlusus) shut up, close up, from ob against, up (see OB (Cf. ob )) + claudere to shut, close (see CLOSE (Cf. close) (v.)). Of teeth, 1888 (also Cf. occlusion). Related: Occluded; occlud …   Etymology dictionary

  • occlude — [v] block, prevent choke, clog, close, close out, congest, curb, fill, hinder, impede, leave out, lock out, obstruct, plug, seal, shut, stopper, stop up, throttle; concepts 121,201 Ant. allow, help, permit …   New thesaurus

  • occlude — ► VERB 1) stop, close up, or obstruct. 2) Chemistry (of a solid) absorb and retain (a gas or impurity). 3) (of a tooth) come into contact with another in the opposite jaw. ORIGIN Latin occludere …   English terms dictionary

  • occlude — [ə klo͞od′, äklo͞od′] vt. occluded, occluding [L occludere < ob (see OB ) + claudere, to CLOSE2] 1. to close, shut, or block (a passage) 2. to prevent the passage of; shut in or out 3. to conceal, hide, or obscure …   English World dictionary

  • Occlude — 1 To close, obstruct, or prevent the passage. To occlude an artery is to occlude the flow of blood. 2 To bring together. To occlude the teeth is to align the upper and lower teeth, as for chewing. * * * 1. To close or bring together. 2. To… …   Medical dictionary

  • occlude — verb (occluded; occluding) Etymology: Latin occludere, from ob in the way + claudere to shut, close more at close Date: 1597 transitive verb 1. to close up or block off ; obstruct < a thrombus occluding a coronary artery >; …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • occlude —    To close to a tight enough fit, as do the pieces of a puzzle, or a lid onto a jar or box. Needs for occlusion might include preventing light, air, liquids, or other things from passing through. Dentists are concerned that the teeth of the… …   Glossary of Art Terms

  • occlude — occludent, adj. /euh kloohd /, v., occluded, occluding. v.t. 1. to close, shut, or stop up (a passage, opening, etc.). 2. to shut in, out, or off. 3. Physical Chem. (of certain metals and other solids) to incorporate (gases and other foreign… …   Universalium

  • occlude — verb To obstruct, cover, or otherwise block an opening …   Wiktionary

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