
ˈnʌtɪ прил.
1) изобилующий орехами;
производящий орехи
2) имеющий вкус ореха
3) а) приятный, вкусный;
острый, пряный б) сл. острый, пикантный The case promises to be a nutty one. ≈ Этот случай обещает быть пикантным.
4) сл. а) увлекающийся, влюбчивый (upon) Syn : amorous, fond;
enthusiastic б) свихнувшийся, ненормальный;
дурацкий, идиотский He looked like a nutty professor. ≈ Он выглядел как полоумный профессор. a nutty plan ≈ идиотский план Syn : foolish, senseless, crack-brained, inane, daft, balmy;
goofy, wacky, screwy, cuckoo, dippy, wacko, squirrelly, dotty
5) сл. нарядный, щеголеватый, элегантный Syn : smart, spruce имеющий вкус ореха - * taste привкус ореха изобилующий орехами - a * cake ореховый торт вкусный, приятный, пикантный > * structure ореховатая структура (почвы) (разговорное) помешанный, психованный (разговорное) помешавшийся (на чем-л.) ;
без ума (от кого-л.) франтоватый, щегольской nutty имеющий вкус ореха;
вкусный ~ интересный, пикантный ~ разг. нарядный, щегольской ~ амер. разг. острый;
пряный ~ разг. рехнувшийся ~ разг. увлекающийся (upon)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "nutty" в других словарях:

  • nutty — ut ty, a. 1. Abounding in nuts. [1913 Webster] 2. Having a flavor like that of nuts; as, nutty wine. [1913 Webster] 3. Crazy; insane; loony; batty; nuts. [slang] [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • nutty — (adj.) early 15c., nut like, from NUT (Cf. nut) + Y (Cf. y) (2). Meaning crazy is from 1898 (see NUTS (Cf. nuts)); earlier amorous, in love (with), 1821. Related: Nuttiness …   Etymology dictionary

  • nutty — [nut′sēnut′ē] adj. nuttier, nuttiest 1. containing or producing many nuts 2. having a nutlike flavor 3. Slang a) enthusiastic, often to excess b) queer, foolish, crazy, etc.: also nutsy [nut′sē] …   English World dictionary

  • Nutty P — Anton Flanders (born February 23, 1985), better known by his stage name Nutty P, is a rapper and hip hop record producer from West London. He is best known for his unique production style and technique. Having won the Jump Off Producer contest in …   Wikipedia

  • nutty — adj. (slang) 1) nutty to + inf. (it s nutty to behave like that) 2) (misc.) as nutty as a fruitcake * * * [ nʌtɪ] (misc.) as nutty as a fruitcake (slang) nutty to + int. (it s nutty to behave like that) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • nutty — [[t]nʌ̱ti[/t]] nuttier, nuttiest 1) ADJ GRADED If you describe food as nutty, you mean that it tastes of nuts, has the texture of nuts, or is made with nuts. ...nutty butter cookies... Chick peas have a distinctive, delicious and nutty flavour.… …   English dictionary

  • Nutty — This article is about 1980 s UK comic book. For the character from Happy Tree Friends, see Nutty (Happy Tree Friends). Nutty Publication information Publisher D. C. Thomson Co. Ltd Publication date 16 February 1980 …   Wikipedia

  • nutty — nut|ty [ˈnʌti] adj 1.) informal crazy ▪ It s another of his nutty ideas. ▪ She s nutty as a fruitcake (=completely crazy) . 2.) tasting like, or containing, nuts ▪ This coffee has a rich nutty flavour. ▪ a nutty cake …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • nutty — adjective 1 tasting like nuts: This coffee has a rich nutty flavour. 2 containing or filled with nuts: a nutty cake 3 informal crazy: another of his nutty ideas | nutty as a fruitcake (=completely crazy) nuttiness noun (C) …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • nutty — nuttily, adv. nuttiness, n. /nut ee/, adj., nuttier, nuttiest. 1. abounding in or producing nuts. 2. nutlike, esp. in flavor. 3. Slang. a. silly or ridiculous: a nutty suggestion. b. eccentric; queer …   Universalium

  • nutty — UK [ˈnʌtɪ] / US adjective Word forms nutty : adjective nutty comparative nuttier superlative nuttiest 1) informal crazy, or very strange He had this nutty idea about buying a castle in Scotland. 2) containing nuts, or having the taste of nuts… …   English dictionary

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