nonevent — [nän′ē vent΄, nän′ivent′] n. Informal an event or occurrence that is boring, does not fulfill expectations, or is deliberately staged, as for publicity: also non event … English World dictionary
nonevent — noun Date: 1962 1. a. an expected event that fails to take place or to satisfy expectations b. an often highly publicized event of little intrinsic interest or significance 2. an occurrence that is officially ignored … New Collegiate Dictionary
nonevent — /non i vent /, n. 1. an event or situation that is anticipated but does not occur or occurs with much less than the expected impact, esp. one that has been widely publicized; anticlimax. 2. an occurrence of only superficial interest or content; a … Universalium
nonevent — noun An anticipated event that does not occur, or one that is a disappointing anticlimax … Wiktionary
nonevent — non|e|vent [ ,nanı vent ] noun count an event that is not as exciting as you expected it to be … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
nonevent — non·event … English syllables
nonevent — non•e•vent [[t]ˌnɒn ɪˈvɛnt[/t]] n. 1) cvb a usu. well publicized event that is anticipated but does not occur or occurs with little impact; anticlimax 2) cvb an occasion that creates little or no interest • Etymology: 1960–65 … From formal English to slang
nonevent — noun an anticipated event that turns out to be far less significant than was expected • Hypernyms: ↑event … Useful english dictionary
non·event — /ˈnɑːnıˌvɛnt/ noun, pl events [count] informal : an event that is much less interesting or important than it was expected to be usually singular To their surprise, her resignation was a nonevent. The town expected protests, but the smoking ban… … Useful english dictionary
Collision Course (album) — Collision Course EP by Jay Z and Linkin Park Released November 30 … Wikipedia
Hot-Spot-Vulkanismus — Als Hotspots [ˈhɔt.spɔ͡ts] (engl.: heiße Flecken) werden Zentren vulkanischer Aktivität bezeichnet, die nicht direkt durch plattentektonische Prozesse verursacht werden und daher nicht an Plattenränder gebunden sind. Sie entstehen durch… … Deutsch Wikipedia