- nondegenerate complex
- мат. невырожденный комплекс
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Complex manifold — In differential geometry, a complex manifold is a manifold with an atlas of charts to the open unit disk[1] in Cn, such that the transition maps are holomorphic. The term complex manifold is variously used to mean a complex manifold in the sense… … Wikipedia
Linear complex structure — In mathematics, a complex structure on a real vector space V is an automorphism of V that squares to the minus identity, −I. Such a structure on V allows one to define multiplication by complex scalars in a canonical fashion so as to regard V as… … Wikipedia
Generalized complex structure — In the field of mathematics known as differential geometry, a generalized complex structure is a property of a differential manifold that includes as special cases a complex structure and a symplectic structure. Generalized complex structures… … Wikipedia
Almost complex manifold — In mathematics, an almost complex manifold is a smooth manifold equipped with smooth linear complex structure on each tangent space. The existence of this structure is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for a manifold to be a complex… … Wikipedia
Real representation — In the mathematical field of representation theory a real representation is usually a representation on a real vector space U , but it can also mean a representation on a complex vector space V with an invariant real structure, i.e., an… … Wikipedia
Clifford algebra — In mathematics, Clifford algebras are a type of associative algebra. They can be thought of as one of the possible generalizations of the complex numbers and quaternions.[1][2] The theory of Clifford algebras is intimately connected with the… … Wikipedia
Spin representation — In mathematics, the spin representations are particular projective representations of the orthogonal or special orthogonal groups in arbitrary dimension and signature (i.e., including indefinite orthogonal groups). More precisely, they are… … Wikipedia
Classification of Clifford algebras — In mathematics, in particular in the theory of nondegenerate quadratic forms on real and complex vector spaces, the finite dimensional Clifford algebras have been completely classified in terms of isomorphisms that preserve the Clifford product.… … Wikipedia
Dual space — In mathematics, any vector space, V, has a corresponding dual vector space (or just dual space for short) consisting of all linear functionals on V. Dual vector spaces defined on finite dimensional vector spaces can be used for defining tensors… … Wikipedia
Spinor — In mathematics and physics, in particular in the theory of the orthogonal groups (such as the rotation or the Lorentz groups), spinors are elements of a complex vector space introduced to expand the notion of spatial vector. Unlike tensors, the… … Wikipedia
Bilinear form — In mathematics, a bilinear form on a vector space V is a bilinear mapping V × V → F , where F is the field of scalars. That is, a bilinear form is a function B : V × V → F which is linear in each argument separately::egin{array}{l} ext{1. }B(u + … Wikipedia