Move for Me — Single by Kaskade and Deadmau5 from the album Strobelite Seduction … Wikipedia
Move for Me — Single par Kaskade et Deadmau5 extrait de l’album Strobelite Seduction Sortie 2008 Durée 2:56 Genre Deep House Progressive House Format … Wikipédia en Français
Business Executives Move for Vietnam Peace — (BEM) was an organization opposed to the Vietnam War. In September 1967 a group of nearly one thousand businessmen formed a national committee opposing United States participation in the Vietnam War. Henry E. Niles, board chairman of Baltimore… … Wikipedia
notice of intention to move for a new trial — A notice required by statute in some states to be served upon the adverse party by the party intending to move for a new trial, designating the statutory grounds upon which the motion will be made, and whether it will be made upon affidavits or… … Ballentine's law dictionary
move — [mo͞ov] vt. moved, moving [ME moven < Anglo Fr mover < OFr movoir < L movere < IE base * mew , to push away > Sans mīvati, (he) shoves] 1. to change the place or position of; push, carry, or pull from one place or position to… … English World dictionary
case to move for a new trial — The losing party s statement of the case prepared for use on his motion for a new trial … Ballentine's law dictionary
MOVE — This article is about the organization MOVE. For other uses, see Move (disambiguation). MOVE or the MOVE Organization is a Philadelphia based black liberation group founded by John Africa. MOVE was described by CNN as a loose knit, mostly black… … Wikipedia
move — move1 [ muv ] verb *** ▸ 1 change position ▸ 2 progress/develop ▸ 3 live in a different place ▸ 4 begin doing ▸ 5 change subject/time etc. ▸ 6 change opinion ▸ 7 affect someone emotionally ▸ 8 sell and get rid of ▸ 9 go very fast ▸ 10 make formal … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
move — move1 W1S1 [mu:v] v ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(change place)¦ 2¦(new house/office)¦ 3¦(change opinion etc)¦ 4¦(progress)¦ 5¦(take action)¦ 6¦(change job/class etc)¦ 7¦(emotion)¦ 8¦(cause somebody to do something)¦ 9¦(time/order)¦ … Dictionary of contemporary English
move — 1 verb 1 CHANGE PLACE (I, T) to change your place or position, or to make something do this: Don t move or I ll shoot. | You mustn t get off the train while it s still moving. | move sth: Can you move your car it s blocking the road. | We ll have … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
move — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 action to achieve sth; change in ideas, etc. ADJECTIVE ▪ big, important, major, radical, significant ▪ decisive ▪ astute … Collocations dictionary