movable vibration pickup

movable vibration pickup
нестационарный [подвижный] вибродатчик

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "movable vibration pickup" в других словарях:

  • неподвижный вибродатчик — нестационарный вибродатчик — [А.С.Гольдберг. Англо русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.] Тематики энергетика в целом Синонимы нестационарный вибродатчик EN movable vibration pickup …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • Microphone — For the indie film, see Microphone (film). Microphones redirects here. For the indie band, see The Microphones. A …   Wikipedia

  • stringed instrument — a musical instrument having strings as the medium of sound production, played with the fingers or with a plectrum or a bow: The guitar, the harp, and the violin are stringed instruments. * * * Any musical instrument that produces sound by the… …   Universalium

  • automobile — automobilist /aw teuh meuh bee list, moh bi list/, n. /aw teuh meuh beel , aw teuh meuh beel , aw teuh moh beel, beuhl/, n. 1. a passenger vehicle designed for operation on ordinary roads and typically having four wheels and a gasoline or diesel… …   Universalium

  • motion-picture technology — Introduction       the means for the production and showing of motion pictures. It includes not only the motion picture camera and projector but also such technologies as those involved in recording sound, in editing both picture and sound, in… …   Universalium

  • navigation — navigational, adj. /nav i gay sheuhn/, n. 1. the act or process of navigating. 2. the art or science of plotting, ascertaining, or directing the course of a ship, aircraft, or guided missile. [1520 30; < L navigation (s. of navigatio) a voyage.… …   Universalium

  • PlayStation (console) — For other uses, see PlayStation (disambiguation). PlayStation …   Wikipedia

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