movable type
Смотреть что такое "movable type" в других словарях:
Movable Type — Интерфейс Movable Type Тип … Википедия
Movable Type — (dt.: „Bewegliche Letter“) ist ein weit verbreitetes freies (unter GPL) Weblog Publishing System, das vom kalifornischen Unternehmen Six Apart entwickelt wird. Der ursprüngliche Name war „Serge“, nach dem Musiker Serge Gainsbourg. Six Apart… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Movable Type — es una herramienta web desarrollada como software libre destinada a la creación y publicación de weblogs. El weblogger, a la hora de usar este software, ha de disponer de un servicio de hospedaje y un servidor web que soporte bases de datos. Esta … Wikipedia Español
Movable Type — est un moteur de blog Open Source[1], écrit en Perl, et développée par la société californienne Six Apart. À la différence de TypePad, également proposé par cette société, l offre Movable Type ne comprend pas d hébergement et celui ci doit être… … Wikipédia en Français
Movable type — For the weblog software, see Movable Type. Part of a series on the History of printing … Wikipedia
Movable Type — This article is about the weblog software. For movable type printing technology, see Movable type. Movable Type Original aut … Wikipedia
movable type — In printing, type, such that each character is cast on a separate piece of metal. Johan (or Johannes) Gutenberg (German, c. 1400 c. 1468) is generally credited with the invention of movable type. Also spelled moveable. see thumbnail to… … Glossary of Art Terms
movable type — /ˈmuvəbəl taɪp/ (say moohvuhbuhl tuyp) noun Printing type (def. 8b) which can be put together in appropriate groups to make up words, sentences and texts and disassembled after use. Compare fixed type …
movable type — noun : printing type made up of individual pieces each carrying usually a single letter or other character so that the pieces can be freely assembled or reassembled for printing any desired combination or line * * * Print. type from which text is … Useful english dictionary
movable type — Print. type from which text is printed directly in which each character is on a separate piece of metal. [1760 70] * * * … Universalium
movable-type printing — Johann Gutenberg … Inventors, Inventions