
1. сущ.
1) горесть, грусть, печаль, скорбь Syn : sorrow, grief
2) плач, рыданиесвязи со смертью кого-л.) ;
оплакивание The mourning could be heard all day and all night. ≈ Плач можно было слышать весь день и всю ночь. Syn : weeping, sob
3) траур to declare mourning, proclaim (a period of) mourning ≈ объявлять траур to go into mourning ≈ (for) надеть траур, облачиться в траур deep mourningглубокий траур national mourningнациональный траур in mourning
2. прил. скорбный;
траурный печаль, горе, скорбь - all were plunged into * все были повергнуты в горе плач, рыдание траур - * border траурная кайма - a day of * траурный день - to go into * (for smb.) надеть /облачиться в/ траур (по кому-л.) - to wear /to be in/ * носить траур - to bo in deep /full/ * быть в глубоком трауре, носить глубокий траур - to come out of * снять траур период ношения траура, траур > finger-nails in * "траур" под ногтями > eye in * синяк под глазом, подбитый глаз ~ траур;
to go into mourning надеть траур in ~ в трауре in ~ разг. грязный (о ногтях) in ~ подбитый (о глазе) mourning pres. p. от mourn ~ плач, рыдание ~ скорбь, печаль ~ траур;
to go into mourning надеть траур ~ attr. траурный

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "mourning" в других словарях:

  • MOURNING — (Heb. אֵבֶל), the expression of grief and sorrow over the death of a close relative, friend, national leader, or in response to a national calamity. The lamentation (Heb. קִינָה (kinah, qinah); נְהִי, nehi) is the specifically literary and… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Mourning — Mourn ing, a. 1. Grieving; sorrowing; lamenting. [1913 Webster] 2. Employed to express sorrow or grief; worn or used as appropriate to the condition of one bereaved or sorrowing; as, mourning garments; a mourning ring; a mourning pin, and the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Mourning — Mourn ing, n. [AS. murnung.] 1. The act of sorrowing or expressing grief; lamentation; sorrow. [1913 Webster] 2. Garb, drapery, or emblems indicative of grief, esp. clothing or a badge of somber black. [1913 Webster] The houses to their tops with …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • mourning — ► NOUN 1) the experience or expression of deep sorrow for someone who has died. 2) black clothes conventionally worn in a period of mourning …   English terms dictionary

  • mourning — [môr′niŋ] n. 1. the actions or feelings of one who mourns; specif., the expression of grief at someone s death 2. black clothes, drapery, etc. worn or displayed as a conventional sign of grief for the dead 3. the period during which one mourns… …   English World dictionary

  • mourning — index disconsolate Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • mourning — (n.) O.E. murnung complaint, grief, verbal noun from MOURN (Cf. mourn) (v.) …   Etymology dictionary

  • mourning — [n] sadness, time of sadness aching, bereavement, blackness, crying, darkness, grief, grieving, keening, lamentation, lamenting, languishing, moaning, pining, repining, sorrowing, wailing, weeping, woe; concepts 388,410 Ant. cheer, happiness, joy …   New thesaurus

  • Mourning — Not to be confused with Morning. Margarita Teresa of Austria, Holy Roman Empress, in mourning, 1666; her brother, the young king Charles II of Spain appears behind her with his attendants wearing mourning dress …   Wikipedia

  • mourning — noun 1 sadness about sb s death ADJECTIVE ▪ deep ▪ national, official ▪ public VERB + MOURNING ▪ be in, go …   Collocations dictionary

  • mourning — n. 1) to declare, proclaim (a period of) mourning 2) to go into mourning 3) deep mourning 4) national mourning 5) in mourning for * * * [ mɔːnɪŋ] proclaim (a period of) mourning deep mourning in mourning for national mourning to declare to go in …   Combinatory dictionary

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