monostearate — /mon euh stee euh rayt , stear ayt/, n. Chem. a stearate containing one stearoyl group. [MONO + STEARATE] * * * … Universalium
monostearate — /mon euh stee euh rayt , stear ayt/, n. Chem. a stearate containing one stearoyl group. [MONO + STEARATE] … Useful english dictionary
Sorbitan monostearate — Chembox new ImageFile=Sorbitan monostearate.png ImageSize=200px IUPACName=Octadecanoic acid [2 [(2 R ,3 S ,4 R ) 3,4 dihydroxy 2 tetrahydrofuranyl] 2 hydroxyethyl] ester OtherNames=Span 60 Section1= Chembox Identifiers CASNo=1338 41 6… … Wikipedia
Aluminium monostearate — is an organic compound which is a salt of stearic acid and aluminium. It has the molecular formula Al(OH)2C18H35O2. It is also referred to as dihydroxy(octadecanoato O )aluminium or dihydroxy(stearato)aluminium.It is used to form gels in the… … Wikipedia
Glycerol monostearate — popularly known as GMS is an emulsifier compound. Extensively used at home and commercially, this food additive is used in small quantities to emulsify fat. As the name suggests, it is a stearic acid compound formed by replacing one carbon link … Wikipedia
aluminum monostearate — Chem. a white, water insoluble powder, Al(OH)2C18H35O2, used as a drier in paints and as a thickener in lubricating oils. * * * … Universalium
aluminum monostearate — [NF] a combination of aluminum with variable proportions of stearic acid and palmitic acid; used in preparation of a suspension of penicillin G procaine … Medical dictionary
glyceryl monostearate — [NF] a compound prepared from glycerin and stearic acid, occurring as a white, waxlike solid, or white, waxlike beads or flakes with a slight, pleasant, fatty odor and taste; used as an emulsifying agent … Medical dictionary
aluminum monostearate — Chem. a white, water insoluble powder, Al(OH)2C18H35O2, used as a drier in paints and as a thickener in lubricating oils … Useful english dictionary
Список пищевых добавок E400-E499 — E400 E499 Пищевые добавки. Группа стабилизаторов, загустителей, эмульгаторов. Индекс Название вещества Английское название E400 Альгиновая кислота en:Alginic acid E401 Альгинат натрия … Википедия
Список пищевых добавок E400 — Эта статья или раздел описывает ситуацию применительно лишь к одному региону. Вы можете помочь Википедии, добавив информацию для других стран и регионов. E400 E499 Пищевые д … Википедия