
1. сущ.
1) дворняжка Syn : cur, hound, mutt
2) полукровка;
помесь (о растениях, животных)
3) презр. помесь Some cart, or dilapidated mongrel between cart and basket. ≈ Какая-то повозка, или скорее всего полуразвалившаяся помесь повозки и корзины.
2. прил. нечистокровный, смешанный mongrel language ≈ смешанный язык mongrel race ≈ нечистокровная порода mongrel tint ≈ смешанный оттенок Syn : mixed, of mixed blood дворняжка помесь;
полукровка - the English word "television" is a *, "tele" comes from Greek and "vision" from Latin английское слово "television" смешанного происхождения - "tele" из греческого и "vision" из латыни (техническое) промежуточный или переходный тип (агрегата и т. п.) нечистокровный, смешанный mongrel дворняжка ~ нечистокровный, смешанный ~ ублюдок;

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "mongrel" в других словарях:

  • Mongrel — Entwickler Zed A. Shaw Aktuelle Version 1.1.5 (22. Mai 2008) Betriebssystem plattformunabhängig Kategorie Webserver Lizenz …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Mongrel — Тип Веб сервер Разработчик Zed A. Shaw Операционная система Cross platform Последняя версия 1.1.5 (2008 05 22) Лицензия Лицен …   Википедия

  • Mongrel — refers to mixed ancestry: In botany, a mongrel may refer to the offspring of varieties of a species which was in contrast to a hybrid Among pets, one whose parentage is of unknown or mixed breeds as opposed to purebred Among humans, mongrel and… …   Wikipedia

  • Mongrel — Mon grel, a. 1. (Zo[ o]l.) Not of a pure breed. [1913 Webster] 2. Of mixed kinds; as, mongrel language. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Mongrel — Mon grel, n. [Prob. shortened fr. mongrel, and akin to AS. mengan to mix, and E. mingle. See {Mingle}.] The progeny resulting from a cross between two breeds, as of domestic animals; anything of mixed breed. Drayton. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • mongrel — (n.) late 15c., mixed breed dog, from obsolete mong mixture, from O.E. gemong mingling (base of AMONG (Cf. among)), from P.Gmc. *mangjan to knead together (see MINGLE (Cf. mingle)). With pejorative suffix REL (Cf. rel). Meani …   Etymology dictionary

  • mongrel — [n] animal of mixed background bastard, cross, crossbreed, cur, half blood, halfbreed, hybrid, mixed breed, mixture, mule, mutt; concept 394 …   New thesaurus

  • mongrel — ► NOUN 1) a dog of no definable breed. 2) offensive a person of mixed descent. 3) something of mixed origin or nature. ORIGIN apparently related to MINGLE(Cf. ↑mingle) and AMONG(Cf. ↑among) …   English terms dictionary

  • mongrel — [mäŋ′grəl, muŋ′grəl] n. [ME mengrell < base of OE mengan, to mix + dim. suffix rel as in COCKEREL: form infl. by ME mong, aphetic < OE gemong, mixture: see AMONG] 1. an animal or plant produced by the crossing of different breeds or… …   English World dictionary

  • mongrel — /ˈmʌŋgrəl / (say munggruhl) noun 1. any animal or plant resulting from the crossing of different breeds or varieties. 2. any cross between different things. 3. a dog of mixed or uncertain breed. 4. Colloquial (derogatory) (racist) a person of… …  

  • Mongrel — 1. mongrel dog; 2. despicable person; 3. something difficult: It s a mongrel of a job …   Dictionary of Australian slang

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