Смотреть что такое "mongoose" в других словарях:
Mongoose IT — Ltd[1] is an enterprise software company that specialises in the design and implementation of complex IT projects focused on Enterprise Search. Headquartered in London, United Kingdom, it also provides a portfolio of specialist software products … Wikipedia
Mongoose — Mon goose, Mongoos Mon goos, n.; pl. {Mongooses} 1. (Zo[ o]l.) A species of ichneumon ({Herpestes griseus}), native of India. Applied also to other allied species, as the African banded mongoose ({Crossarchus fasciatus}). [Written also {mungoose} … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Mongoose R.I.P. — Mongoose R.I.P. is a 1987 Blackford Oakes novel by William F. Buckley, Jr.. It is the eighth of 11 novels in the series. Plot CIA agent Blackford Oakes is sent to Cuba to determine the feasibility of overthrowing Fidel Castro, following the Cuban … Wikipedia
mongoose — (n.) snake killing ichneumon of India, 1690s, perhaps via Portuguese, from an Indic language (Cf. Mahrathi mangus mongoose ), probably ultimately from Dravidian (Cf. Telugu mangisu, Kanarese mungisi, Tamil mangus). The form of the English word… … Etymology dictionary
mongoose — the small animal like a civet, has the plural form mongooses … Modern English usage
mongoose — ► NOUN (pl. mongooses) ▪ a small carnivorous mammal with a long body and tail, native to Africa and Asia. ORIGIN Marathi (a central Indian language) … English terms dictionary
mongoose — [mäŋ′go͞os΄, män′go͞os΄] n. pl. mongooses [Marathi mangūs] any of various civetlike, Old World carnivores (family Viverridae); esp., any of a sometimes domesticated genus (Herpestes) noted for their ability to kill poisonous snakes, rodents, etc … English World dictionary
Mongoose — This article is about the Herpestidae family of mongoose. For the Malagasy mongoose, see Galidiinae. For other uses, see Mongoose (disambiguation). Mongooses[1] … Wikipedia
mongoose — /mong goohs , mon /, n., pl. mongooses. 1. a slender, ferretlike carnivore, Herpestes edwardsi, of India, that feeds on rodents, birds, and eggs, noted esp. for its ability to kill cobras and other venomous snakes. 2. any of several other animals … Universalium
Mongoose — Operation Mongoose, auch bekannt als „Das kubanische Projekt“ (am: The Cuban Project), war der Deckname für eine Geheimoperation der CIA, die den Sturz der kubanischen Revolutionsregierung nach der Kubanischen Revolution von 1959 zum Ziel hatte.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mongoose-V — The Mongoose V 32 bit microprocessor for spacecraft onboard computer applications is a radiation hardened and expanded 10–15 MHz version of the MIPS R3000 CPU. The Mongoose was developed by Synova, Inc. of Melbourne, Florida, USA, with support… … Wikipedia