- modeling hardware
- аппаратные средства моделирования
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Hardware description language — In electronics, a hardware description language or HDL is any language from a class of computer languages and/or programming languages for formal description of electronic circuits. It can describe the circuit s operation, its design and… … Wikipedia
Modeling and Analysis of Real Time and Embedded systems — also known as MARTE is the OMG standard for modelling real time and embedded applications with UML2. Description The UML modelling language has been extended by the OMG consortium to support model driven development of real time and embedded… … Wikipedia
Modeling language — A modeling language is any artificial language that can be used to express information or knowledge or systems in a structure that is defined by a consistent set of rules. The rules are used for interpretation of the meaning of components in the… … Wikipedia
Hardware architecture — In engineering, hardware architecture refers to the the identification of a system s physical components and their interrelationships. This description, often called a hardware design model, allows hardware designers to understand how their… … Wikipedia
Hardware random number generator — This SSL Accelerator computer card uses a hardware random number generator to generate cryptographic keys to encrypt data sent over computer networks. In computing, a hardware random number generator is an apparatus that generates random numbers… … Wikipedia
modeling tools — Tools for working with or modeling clay. The examples shown here are each six inches long, hand carved and polished in boxwood. Modeling tools can also be made in plastic and metal. They can also be improvised with such things as popsicle or… … Glossary of Art Terms
Unified Modeling Language — (UML) is a standardized general purpose modeling language in the field of software engineering. UML includes a set of graphical notation techniques to create abstract models of specific systems, referred to as UML model. Overview The Unified… … Wikipedia
Systems Modeling Language — Sysml diagrams collage The Systems Modeling Language (SysML) is a general purpose modeling language for systems engineering applications. It supports the specification, analysis, design, verification and validation of a broad range of systems and … Wikipedia
Virtual Reality Modeling Language — VRML im Programm dune (Version 0.13) Die Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) ist eine Beschreibungssprache für 3D Szenen, deren Geometrien, Ausleuchtungen, Animationen und Interaktionsmöglichkeiten inklusive in der virtuellen Umgebung… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Acoustic Design Modeling — offizielles ADM Logo Acoustic Design Modeling (ADM) ist eine psychoakustische Technologie der Serious Sound Labs Ltd., Birmingham, die eine 5.1 Raumklangsimulation von einer Akustik Quelle aus verwirklicht. Das Verfahren kommt meist in Kopfhörern … Deutsch Wikipedia
Acoustic design modeling — Dieser Artikel oder Abschnitt ist nicht hinreichend mit Belegen (Literatur, Webseiten oder Einzelnachweisen) versehen. Die fraglichen Angaben werden daher möglicherweise demnächst gelöscht. Hilf Wikipedia, indem du die Angaben recherchierst und… … Deutsch Wikipedia