modeling clay
Смотреть что такое "modeling clay" в других словарях:
modeling clay — A nonhardening substance used for modeling sculptures Roma Plastelinafor sketches, models for casting, and by students. It is plastic (in the sense of being workable). It cannot be used for permanent work (unlike ceramic water based clays, it… … Glossary of Art Terms
modeling clay — n. soft and moldable material that does not harden used for modeling sculptures … English contemporary dictionary
modeling clay — noun A malleable substance used in building and sculpting … Wiktionary
Clay modeling — This article is about automobile prototyping. For other clay, see Modeling clay. A clay model by Renault. Clay modeling (or clay model making) for automobile prototypes was first introduced in the 1930s by automobile designer Harley Earl, head of … Wikipedia
modeling or modelling — A sculpture technique in which a three dimensional form is manipulated in a soft material such as clay either modeling clay (Plasticine is a well known brand) or ceramic clay or wax. The term also refers to the effect of light on a three… … Glossary of Art Terms
clay — Mud; moist, sticky dirt. In ceramics, clay is the basic material, usually referring to any of a certain variety of mixtures of such ingredients fine grained, firm earthy material that is plastic when wet, brittle when dry, and very hard when… … Glossary of Art Terms
modeling tools — Tools for working with or modeling clay. The examples shown here are each six inches long, hand carved and polished in boxwood. Modeling tools can also be made in plastic and metal. They can also be improvised with such things as popsicle or… … Glossary of Art Terms
modeling — mod|el|ing [ madlıŋ ] noun uncount AMERICAN 1. ) the job of working as a model 2. ) TECHNICAL the production of a simple technical description of how something such as a process, theory, or system works 3. ) the activity of making models of… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Clay animation — or claymation is one of many forms of stop motion animation. Each animated piece, either character or background, is deformable made of a malleable substance, usually Plasticine clay. Characters in the animated series From Il ich to Kuzmich … Wikipedia
modeling — (n.) also modelling, 1650s, action of bringing into desired condition, verbal noun from MODEL (Cf. model) (v.). Meaning action of making models (in clay, wax, etc.) is from 1799. Meaning work of a fashion model is from 1941 … Etymology dictionary
modeling — /mod l ing/, n. 1. the act, art, or profession of a person who models. 2. the process of producing sculptured form with some plastic material, as clay. 3. the technique of rendering the illusion of volume on a two dimensional surface by shading.… … Universalium