Смотреть что такое "microlevel" в других словарях:
microlevel — noun A microscopic level … Wiktionary
microlevel — mi·cro·level … English syllables
microlevel — “+ transitive verb Etymology: micr + level : to bring (an elevator) close to an exact level by automatic means … Useful english dictionary
probability and statistics — ▪ mathematics Introduction the branches of mathematics concerned with the laws governing random events, including the collection, analysis, interpretation, and display of numerical data. Probability has its origin in the study of gambling… … Universalium
History of science — History of science … Wikipedia
Causality — (but not causation) denotes a necessary relationship between one event (called cause) and another event (called effect) which is the direct consequence (result) of the first. [http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=Causality x=35 y=25 Random… … Wikipedia
Causality (physics) — Causality [Green, Celia (2003). The Lost Cause: Causation and the Mind Body Problem . Oxford: Oxford Forum. ISBN 0 9536772 1 4. Includes three chapters on causality at the microlevel in physics.] [Bunge, Mario (1959). Causality: the place of the… … Wikipedia
List of important publications in sociology — Foundations The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism *Max Weber * Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus , 1904 * [http://www.ne.jp/asahi/moriyuki/abukuma/weber/world/ethic/pro eth frame.html Online version] Description … Wikipedia
The arts — This article is about Arts as a group of disciplines. For the philosophical concept of art, see Art. For other uses, see Art (disambiguation). Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts The arts are a vast subdivision of culture, composed of many… … Wikipedia
Carnap-Ramsey sentences — In philosophy, Carnap Ramsey sentences refer to an attempt by logical positivist philosopher Rudolf Carnap to reconstruct theoretical propositions such that they gained empirical content. For Carnap, questions such as: “Are electrons real?” and:… … Wikipedia
Albert Chernenko — Albert Konstantinovich Chernenko (born 1935) is a Russian philosopher, best known for his innovations in the field of social and legal philosophy. During the rule of the Soviet Union, Chernenko created the theory of historical causality, which… … Wikipedia