method of continuity

method of continuity
мат. метод непрерывности

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "method of continuity" в других словарях:

  • Method of continuity — In the mathematics of Banach spaces, the method of continuity provides sufficient conditions for deducing the invertibility of one bounded linear operator from that of another, related operator. Contents 1 Formulation 2 Applications 3 Proof 4 …   Wikipedia

  • Continuity marketing — is a method of providing goods or services to consumers that relies on direct marketing and continues into perpetuity. Also known as auto replenishment, this relationship continues until the customer decides to end it by notifying the marketer.… …   Wikipedia

  • Continuity sales model — A continuity program is a company’s sales offer where a buyer/consumer is agreeing to receive merchandise or services automatically at regular intervals (often monthly), without advance notice, until they cancel. Contents 1 How a Continuity… …   Wikipedia

  • Continuity editing — Main article: Film editing Continuity editing is the predominant style of film editing and video editing in the post production process of filmmaking of narrative films and television programs. The purpose of continuity editing is to smooth over… …   Wikipedia

  • Continuity tester — Entry level cable testers are essentially continuity testers. A continuity tester is an item of electrical test equipment used to determine if an electrical path can be established between two points;[1] that is if an electrical circuit can be… …   Wikipedia

  • continuity series — A marketing method in which a customer is offered a series of similar products over an extended period …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • Direct method in the calculus of variations — In the calculus of variations, a topic in mathematics, the direct method is a general method for constructing a proof of the existence of a minimizer for a given functional,[1] introduced by Zaremba and David Hilbert around 1900. The method… …   Wikipedia

  • Trefftz method — In mathematics, the Trefftz method is a method for the numerical solution of partial differential equations named after the German mathematician Erich Trefftz (1888 1937). It falls within the class of finite element methods. Introduction The… …   Wikipedia

  • False position method — The false position method or regula falsi method is a term for problem solving methods in algebra and calculus. In simple terms, these methods begin by attempting to evaluate a problem using test ( false ) values for the variables, and then… …   Wikipedia

  • Multiphase particle-in-cell method — The multiphase particle in cell method (MP PIC) is a numerical method for modeling particle fluid and particle particle interactions in a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) calculation. The MP PIC method achieves greater stability than its… …   Wikipedia

  • Flexibility method — In structural engineering, the flexibility method is the classical consistent deformation method for computing member forces and displacements in structural systems. Its modern version formulated in terms of the members flexibility matrices also… …   Wikipedia

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