method of continuation

method of continuation
мат. метод продолжения

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "method of continuation" в других словарях:

  • Continuation — For other uses, see Continuation (disambiguation). In computer science and programming, a continuation is an abstract representation of the control state of a computer program. A continuation reifies the program control state, i.e. the… …   Wikipedia

  • Continuation-passing style — In functional programming, continuation passing style (CPS) is a style of programming in which control is passed explicitly in the form of a continuation. Gerald Jay Sussman and Guy L. Steele, Jr. coined the phrase in AI Memo 349 (1975), which… …   Wikipedia

  • Predictor-corrector method — In mathematics, particularly numerical analysis, a predictor corrector method is an algorithm that proceeds in two steps. First, the prediction step calculates a rough approximation of the desired quantity. Second, the corrector step refines the… …   Wikipedia

  • Numerical continuation — is a method of computing approximate solutions of a system of parameterized nonlinear equations, The parameter λ is usually a real scalar, and the solution an n vector. For a fixed parameter value λ,, maps Euclidean n space into itself. Often the …   Wikipedia

  • Piecewise linear continuation — implicial ContinuationSimplicial Continuation, or Piecewise Linear Continuation (Allgower and Georg [1] , [3] ) is a one parameter continuation method which is well suited to small to medium embedding spaces. The algorithm has been generalized to …   Wikipedia

  • Stanislavsky method — or method acting Influential system of dramatic training developed by the Russian actor, producer, and theoretician Konstantin Stanislavsky. The method was developed over years of trial and error, beginning с 1898. It requires that an actor use… …   Universalium

  • Upward continuation — is a method used in oil exploration and geophysics to estimate the values of a gravitational or magnetic field by using measurements at a lower elevation and extrapolating upward, assuming continuity. This technique is commonly used to merge… …   Wikipedia

  • Wiener–Hopf method — The Wiener–Hopf method is a mathematical technique widely used in applied mathematics. It was initially developed by Norbert Wiener and Eberhard Hopf as a method to solve systems of integral equations, but has found wider use in solving two… …   Wikipedia

  • analytic continuation — Math. 1. a method of finding a function that coincides with a given analytic function in a domain and that remains analytic in a larger domain. 2. any function found by this method. [1955 60] * * * …   Universalium

  • analytic continuation — Math. 1. a method of finding a function that coincides with a given analytic function in a domain and that remains analytic in a larger domain. 2. any function found by this method. [1955 60] …   Useful english dictionary

  • Net capital rule — The uniform net capital rule is a rule created by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ( SEC ) in 1975 to regulate directly the ability of broker dealers to meet their financial obligations to customers and other creditors.[1] Broker… …   Wikipedia

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