
ˈmembəʃɪp сущ.
1) членство;
звание члена to apply for membership ≈ заявлять о желании вступить в члены (организации) to grant membership ≈ принять в члены (организации) to drop, resign one's membership ≈ отказываться от членства agency, institutional membership ≈ членство в организации closed membershipзакрытое членство individual membership ≈ индивидуальное членство open membership ≈ открытое членство associate membershipстатус кандидата в члены какого-л. общества full membership ≈ полноправное членство honorary membership ≈ почетное членство life membership ≈ пожизненное членство membership cardчленский билет membership fee ≈ членский взнос
2) а) количество членов (какой-либо организации) б) рядовые члены (партии, профсоюза)
3) мат. отношение 'быть членом (множества) ' (между элементами множества и самим множеством) членство - to apply for * of the club подать заявление (о приеме) в члены клуба - * card членский билет - * fee членский взнос - * list список членов - * qualifications основные данные для вступления в члены звание члена количество членов;
состав - a large * большое количество членов - an increase in the * of the committee расширение состава комиссии - a society with a * of a thousand общество, насчитывающее тысячу членов рядовые члены (партии, профсоюза) - the opinion of the majority of the * мнение большинства членов associate ~ статус кандидата в члены compulsory ~ обязательное членство membership звание члена ~ количество членов ~ рядовые члены (партии, профсоюза) ~ рядовые члены ~ состав ~ attr. членский;
membership card членский билет;
membership fee членский взнос ~ членство;
звание члена ~ членство obligatory ~ обязательное членство set ~ принадлежность множеству withdraw from ~ приостанавливать членство

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "membership" в других словарях:

  • membership — mem‧ber‧ship [ˈmembəʆɪp ǁ ər ] noun [uncountable] 1. the fact of being a member of a club or an organization: • Both countries are now applying for membership of the European Union. 2. the number of people who belong to a club or an organization …   Financial and business terms

  • membership — • Her acceptance of this role has…given enormous pleasure to the membership B. Grant, 1990. The use of membership to mean ‘members collectively’ (e.g. of a trade union) was noted by Gowers (1965) as ‘now rife and corrupting other words’. Its use… …   Modern English usage

  • Membership — Mem ber*ship, n. 1. The state of being a member. [1913 Webster] 2. The collective body of members, as of a society. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • membership — index affiliation (connectedness), constituency, roll Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • membership — (n.) 1640s, state of being a member, from MEMBER (Cf. member) + SHIP (Cf. ship). Meaning number of members is from 1850 …   Etymology dictionary

  • membership — [n] belonging to organization; those belonging to a group associates, association, body, club, company, enrollment, fellows, group, members, participation, society; concepts 381,417 …   New thesaurus

  • membership — [mem′bərship΄] n. 1. the state of being, or status as, a member: with in or, in Brit. usage, of 2. members collectively, as of an organization 3. the number of members …   English World dictionary

  • membership — mem|ber|ship W2S2 [ˈmembəʃıp US ər ] n 1.) [U] when someone is a member of a club, group, or organization membership of ▪ Greece first applied for membership of the EU in 1975. membership in AmE ▪ I forgot to renew my membership in the sailing… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • membership — n. 1) to apply for membership 2) to grant membership 3) to drop, resign one s membership 4) closed; open membership 5) (an) agency, institutional; associate; full; honorary; individual; life membership 6) membership in (AE), of (BE) (membership… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • membership — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ associate, corporate, full, group, honorary ▪ annual, lifetime, trial ▪ one week trial memberships …   Collocations dictionary

  • membership — [[t]me̱mbə(r)ʃɪp[/t]] ♦♦♦ memberships 1) N UNCOUNT: also N in pl Membership of an organization is the state of being a member of it. ...his membership of the Communist Party... He sent me a membership form... Membership in her church youth group… …   English dictionary

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