Смотреть что такое "mashine" в других словарях:
centrifugal mashine — centrifuga statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Centrifugavimo aparatas. atitikmenys: angl. centrifugal mashine; centrifuge rus. центрифуга … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Кукрыниксы (альбом) — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Кукрыниксы (значения). Кукрыниксы … Википедия
Casa Meneztan — (Эль Медано,Испания) Категория отеля: 3 звездочный отель Адрес: 38612 Эль Медано, Испа … Каталог отелей
Flour — (flour), n. [F. fleur de farine the flower (i.e., the best) of meal, cf. Sp. flor de la harina superfine flour, Icel. fl[ u]r flower, flour. See {Flower}.] The finely ground meal of wheat, or of any other grain; especially, the finer part of meal … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Flour bolt — Flour Flour (flour), n. [F. fleur de farine the flower (i.e., the best) of meal, cf. Sp. flor de la harina superfine flour, Icel. fl[ u]r flower, flour. See {Flower}.] The finely ground meal of wheat, or of any other grain; especially, the finer… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Flour box — Flour Flour (flour), n. [F. fleur de farine the flower (i.e., the best) of meal, cf. Sp. flor de la harina superfine flour, Icel. fl[ u]r flower, flour. See {Flower}.] The finely ground meal of wheat, or of any other grain; especially, the finer… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Flour dredge — Flour Flour (flour), n. [F. fleur de farine the flower (i.e., the best) of meal, cf. Sp. flor de la harina superfine flour, Icel. fl[ u]r flower, flour. See {Flower}.] The finely ground meal of wheat, or of any other grain; especially, the finer… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Flour dredger — Flour Flour (flour), n. [F. fleur de farine the flower (i.e., the best) of meal, cf. Sp. flor de la harina superfine flour, Icel. fl[ u]r flower, flour. See {Flower}.] The finely ground meal of wheat, or of any other grain; especially, the finer… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Flour dresser — Flour Flour (flour), n. [F. fleur de farine the flower (i.e., the best) of meal, cf. Sp. flor de la harina superfine flour, Icel. fl[ u]r flower, flour. See {Flower}.] The finely ground meal of wheat, or of any other grain; especially, the finer… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Flour mill — Flour Flour (flour), n. [F. fleur de farine the flower (i.e., the best) of meal, cf. Sp. flor de la harina superfine flour, Icel. fl[ u]r flower, flour. See {Flower}.] The finely ground meal of wheat, or of any other grain; especially, the finer… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Endzeit Bunkertracks — is an aggrotech/electro industrial compilation album series featuring exclusive, deleted and/or hard to find tracks. The first volume, or act , (released 21 March 2005 by the record label Alfa Matrix) consists of 60 tracks, 50 of them being… … Wikipedia