Смотреть что такое "mashie" в других словарях:
mashie — five iron, 1881, from Scottish, probably from Fr. massue club, from V.L. *mattiuca, from L. mateola a tool for digging (see MACE (Cf. mace) (n.1)). Related: Mashie niblick (1903) … Etymology dictionary
Mashie — Mash ie, Mashy Mash y, n.; pl. {Mashies}. [Etym. uncert.] A golf club like the iron, but with a shorter head, slightly more lofted, used chiefly for short approaches. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
mashie — [mash′ē] n. [Scot, dim. of mash, a sledgehammer; ? akin to Fr massé (see MASSÉ)] former term for number 5 iron: see IRON (n. 6) … English World dictionary
mashie — /mash ee/, n. Golf. a club with an iron head, the face having more slope than a mashie iron but less slope than a mashie niblick. Also, mashy. Also called number five iron. [1880 85; perh. < F massue club < VL *matteuca, deriv. of *matte(a)… … Universalium
mashie — n. broad bladed iron golf club. ♦ mashie niblick, club with head partaking of both mashie and niblick … Dictionary of difficult words
Mashie — Ma|shie [ mɛʃi, engl.: mæʃɪ], der; s, s [engl. mashie, mashy, H. u.]: mit Eisenkopf versehener Golfschläger … Universal-Lexikon
Mashie — Ma|shie 〈[mæ̣ʃı] m.; Gen.: s, Pl.: s〉 mit einem Eisenkopf versehener Golfschläger [Etym.: engl. mashie, mashy <frz. massue »Keule, Knüppel«] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
Mashie — Ma|shie [ mɛʃi, engl. mæʃi] der; s, s <aus gleichbed. engl. mashie, mashy, weitere Herkunft ungeklärt> mit Eisenkopf versehener Golfschläger (für Annäherungsschläge) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
Mashie-niblick — is an obsolete golf club used from 1903 up until about the 1940s. Upon the introduction of the standardized numbered iron set produced by the Spaulding Sporting Goods Company in the early 1930s, the Mashie Niblick gradually gave way to numbered… … Wikipedia
mashie-niblick — mashie nibˈlick noun An old fashioned golf club between mashie and niblick, corresponding to a number seven iron • • • Main Entry: ↑mashie … Useful english dictionary
mashie niblick — noun iron with a lofted face for hitting high shots to the green • Syn: ↑seven iron • Hypernyms: ↑iron * * * noun : an iron golf club with a loft between those of a mashie and a niblick called also number six iron; see iron illu … Useful english dictionary