lose face
Смотреть что такое "lose face" в других словарях:
lose face — To lose prestige • • • Main Entry: ↑face lose face see under ↑face • • • Main Entry: ↑lose * * * lose face phrase to no longer impress people or be respected by them, especially by showing that you are not in control of a situation … Useful english dictionary
lose face — {v.} To be embarrassed or shamed by an error or failure; lose dignity, influence or reputation; lose self respect or the confidence of others. * /Many Japanese soldiers were killed in World War II because they believed that to give up or retreat… … Dictionary of American idioms
lose face — {v.} To be embarrassed or shamed by an error or failure; lose dignity, influence or reputation; lose self respect or the confidence of others. * /Many Japanese soldiers were killed in World War II because they believed that to give up or retreat… … Dictionary of American idioms
lose face — Ⅰ. ► lose (or save) face incur (or avoid) humiliation. Main Entry: ↑face Ⅱ. ► lose face lose one s credibility. Main Entry: ↑lose … English terms dictionary
lose face — ► to lose the respect of other people because of something you have done: »Both companies are denying responsibility for the crisis, as neither wants to lose face. → See also LOSS(Cf. ↑loss) Main Entry: ↑lose … Financial and business terms
lose face — To lose one s reputation or standing is to lose face … The small dictionary of idiomes
lose\ face — v To be embarrassed or shamed by an error or failure; lose dignity, influence or reputation; lose self respect or the confidence of others. Many Japanese soldiers were killed in World War II because they believed that to give up or retreat would… … Словарь американских идиом
lose face — to do something which makes other people stop respecting you. He refused to admit he made a mistake because he didn t want to lose face … New idioms dictionary
lose face — to no longer impress people or be respected by them, especially by showing that you are not in control of a situation The government will lose face if they do not go ahead with this … English dictionary
lose face — lose one s credibility. → lose … English new terms dictionary
lose face — be embarrassed or ashamed by an error or failure, lose dignity He lost face when his employees decided not to support him during the meeting … Idioms and examples