
ˈlɔdʒɪkəl прил.
1) логический, относящийся к логике
2) логический, логичный, последовательный, связный It is logical to assume that they will attend. ≈ Логично думать, что они явятся.
3) способный рассуждать логически (о человеке)
4) рациональный, разумный Syn : rational, reasonable логический;
относящийся к логике - * symbol (специальное) символ логической связи логичный, последовательный - * conclusion логический вывод - * mind логичный /последовательный/ ум неизбежно вытекающий (из предыдущего) - * assumption законное предположение разумный - * behaviour разумное поведение (компьютерное) логический - * addition логическое сложение, дизъюнкция - * multiplication логическое умножение, конъюнкция logical логический ~ логичный, последовательный ~ логичный ~ последовательный

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "logical" в других словарях:

  • Logical — Log ic*al (l[o^]j [i^]*kal), a. [Cf. F. logique, L. logicus, Gr. logiko s.] 1. Of or pertaining to logic; used in logic; as, logical subtilties. Bacon. [1913 Webster] 2. According to the rules of logic; as, a logical argument or inference; the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • logical — logical, analytical, subtle are comparable when they are applied to persons, their minds, their mental habits, or products of their reasoning and mean having or showing skill in thinking or reasoning. They are often used interchangeably or… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • logical — (ant.) adj. Lógico. * * * logical. adj. desus. Perteneciente o relativo a la lógica …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • -logical — [läj′i kəl] 〚< Gr logikos (< logikos: see LOGIC) + AL〛 suffix forming adjectives of or relating to the science, doctrine, or theory of: also suffix logic * * * …   Universalium

  • logical — I adjective analytic, analytical, cogent, coherent, consistent, deductive, dialectic, dialectical, inductional, inductive, philosophical, ratiocinative, ratiocinatory, rational, reasonable, reasoned, sound II index apparent (presumptive), cogent …   Law dictionary

  • logical — (adj.) early 15c., based on reason, from LOGIC (Cf. logic) + AL (Cf. al) (1). Meaning pertaining to logic is c.1500. Attested from 1860 as following as a reasonable consequence. Related: Logically …   Etymology dictionary

  • logical — adj. 2 g. O mesmo que lógico …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • logical — [adj] probable, reasonable analytic, analytical, clear, cogent, coherent, commonsensical, compelling, congruent, consequent, consistent, convincing, deducible, discerning, discriminating, extensional, fair, germane, holding together, holding… …   New thesaurus

  • logical — adj. desus. Perteneciente o relativo a la lógica …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • -logical — ► COMBINING FORM ▪ in adjectives corresponding chiefly to nouns ending in logy (such as pharmacological corresponding to pharmacology) …   English terms dictionary

  • logical — ► ADJECTIVE 1) of or according to the rules of logic. 2) capable of or showing rational thought. 3) expected or reasonable under the circumstances. DERIVATIVES logicality noun logically adverb …   English terms dictionary

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