libel laws

libel laws
законы об ответственности за распространение клеветы

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "libel laws" в других словарях:

  • Food libel laws — Food libel laws, also known as food disparagement laws , veggie libel laws , or veggie hate laws , are laws passed in 13 U.S. states that make it easier for food industry interests to sue their critics for libel. These 13 states are: Alabama,… …   Wikipedia

  • veggie libel laws — United States agricultural product disparagement laws …   Eponyms, nicknames, and geographical games

  • libel tourist — n. A person who sues for libel in a foreign country, particularly one that has libel laws favorable to the plaintiff. libel tourism n. Example Citations: The committee also wants it to be made more difficult for foreign libel tourists and big… …   New words

  • libel — /laybal/ A method of defamation expressed by print, writing, pictures, or signs. In its most general sense, any publication that is injurious to the reputation of another. A false and unprivileged publication in writing of defamatory material.… …   Black's law dictionary

  • libel — /laybal/ A method of defamation expressed by print, writing, pictures, or signs. In its most general sense, any publication that is injurious to the reputation of another. A false and unprivileged publication in writing of defamatory material.… …   Black's law dictionary

  • libel — li|bel1 [ˈlaıbəl] n [U and C] [Date: 1300 1400; : Old French; Origin: Latin libellus, from liber; LIBRARY] when someone writes or prints untrue statements about someone so that other people could have a bad opinion of them →↑slander for libel ▪… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Libel — • A malicious publication by writing, printing, picture, effigy, sign, or otherwise than by mere speech, which exposes any living person, or the memory of any person deceased, to hatred, contempt, ridicule, or obloquy, or which causes or tends to …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Libel tourism — is a form of forum shopping in which plaintiffs choose to file libel suits in jurisdictions thought more likely to give a favourable result. It particularly refers to the practice of pursuing a case in England and Wales, in preference to other… …   Wikipedia

  • Laws Against Holocaust Denial —    Holocaust denial is illegal in a number of European nations. Many countries also have broader laws that criminalize genocide denial. In addition, the European Union has issued a directive to combat racism and xenophobia, which makes provision… …   Historical dictionary of the Holocaust

  • Laws against Holocaust denial — Holocaust denial is illegal in a number of European countries. Many countries also have broader laws against libel or inciting racial hatred, as do a number of countries that do not specifically have laws against Holocaust denial, such as Canada… …   Wikipedia

  • libel of information — A pleading in a proceeding brought to obtain a forfeiture containing a substantial statement of the offense upon which the forfeiture is predicated. 23 Am J1st Forf & P § 15. A pleading in admiralty demanding a forfeiture because of breach of… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

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