libel action
Смотреть что такое "libel action" в других словарях:
Libel tourism — is a form of forum shopping in which plaintiffs choose to file libel suits in jurisdictions thought more likely to give a favourable result. It particularly refers to the practice of pursuing a case in England and Wales, in preference to other… … Wikipedia
libel — Ⅰ. libel UK US /ˈlaɪbəl/ noun [C or U] LAW ► something written or published that makes false or unfair statements that are likely to damage the reputation of a person or organization: libel suit/lawsuit »They filed a libel lawsuit against the… … Financial and business terms
action — noun 1 process of doing sth ADJECTIVE ▪ decisive, effective, firm, strong, vigorous ▪ He urged the government to take decisive action against music piracy. ▪ aggressive … Collocations dictionary
libel — li|bel1 [ˈlaıbəl] n [U and C] [Date: 1300 1400; : Old French; Origin: Latin libellus, from liber; LIBRARY] when someone writes or prints untrue statements about someone so that other people could have a bad opinion of them →↑slander for libel ▪… … Dictionary of contemporary English
action — / ækʃən/ noun 1. a thing which has been done ♦ to take action to do something ● You must take action if you want to stop people cheating you. 2. ♦ to take industrial action to do something (usually to go on strike) to show that you are not happy… … Dictionary of banking and finance
libel — [[t]la͟ɪb(ə)l[/t]] libels, libelling, libelled (in AM, use libeling, libeled) 1) N VAR Libel is a written statement which wrongly accuses someone of something, and which is therefore against the law. Compare slander. [LEGAL] Warren sued him for… … English dictionary
libel — 1 noun (C, U) an act of writing or printing untrue statements about someone so that other people are likely to have a bad opinion of them: Holt sued the newspaper for libel. | a libel action (=a court case against someone for libel) compare… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
action — ac|tion1 W1S1 [ˈækʃən] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(doing something)¦ 2¦(something done)¦ 3 in action 4 out of action 5¦(fighting)¦ 6¦(legal)¦ 7¦(excitement)¦ 8¦(the events in a story/film etc)¦ 9¦(movement)¦ 10¦(effect)¦ … Dictionary of contemporary English
action — ac|tion [ ækʃən ] noun *** ▸ 1 process of doing something ▸ 2 something someone does ▸ 3 movement ▸ 4 effect of drug/chemical ▸ 5 fighting in war ▸ 6 exciting events ▸ 7 events in play/movie ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) uncount the process of doing something … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
action */*/*/ — UK [ˈækʃ(ə)n] / US noun Word forms action : singular action plural actions 1) [uncountable] the process of doing something, especially in order to stop a bad situation from developing or continuing Officials are not planning any drastic action.… … English dictionary
action — [[t]æ̱kʃ(ə)n[/t]] ♦ actions 1) N UNCOUNT: usu with supp Action is doing something for a particular purpose. The government is taking emergency action to deal with a housing crisis... What was needed, he said, was decisive action to halt what he… … English dictionary