letter of identification

letter of identification
идентификационное письмо (прилагаемое к денежному аккредитиву)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "letter of identification" в других словарях:

  • letter of identification — noun a letter signed by a banker issued together with a letter of credit, also signed by the person in whose favour the credit is issued, thus enabling identification to the paying agent when cashing drafts drawn under the letter of credit. Also …  

  • letter of indication — letter of identification A letter issued by a bank to a customer to whom a letter of credit has been supplied. The letter has to be produced with the letter of credit at the negotiating bank; it provides evidence of the bearer s identity and a… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • identification — [n] labeling; means of labeling apperception, assimilation, badge, bracelet, cataloging, classifying, credentials, description, dog tag, establishment, ID*, identity bracelet, letter of introduction, letter of recommendation, naming, papers,… …   New thesaurus

  • Letter beacon — Signal of letter beacon D on 5137.5 kHz Letter beacons are radio transmissions of uncertain origin, which consist of only a single repeating Morse Code letter. They are also often referred to as: SLB, or Single Letter Beacons SLHFB, or… …   Wikipedia

  • Letter case — For the minimalist musical sub genre, see Lowercase (music). For New Testament minuscules, see Category:Greek New Testament minuscules. Williamsburg eighteenth century press letters In orthography and typography, letter case (or just case) is the …   Wikipedia

  • Letter box — This article is about boxes for depositing letters. For video framing, see letterbox. For the type of interprocess communication, see MailSlot . A letter box, letterbox, letter plate, letter hole, mail slot, or mailbox is a receptacle for… …   Wikipedia

  • letter of credit — documentary credit A letter from one banker to another authorizing the payment of a specified sum to the person named in the letter on certain specified conditions. Commercially, letters of credit are widely used in the international import and… …   Accounting dictionary

  • letter of credit — documentary credit A letter from one banker to another authorizing the payment of a specified sum to the person named in the letter on certain specified conditions (see letter of indication). Commercially, letters of credit are widely used in the …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • Identification in Nazi camps — A Nazi concentration camp identification tattoo Identification of inmates in Nazi concentration camps was performed in two ways: by special badges and by identification numbers. Contents …   Wikipedia

  • identification — Synonyms and related words: ID card, affiliation, allergy, anaphylaxis, appellation, apperception, appraisal, assessment, assimilation, association, association by contiguity, association of ideas, authentication, badge, baptism, calligram,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • identification beacon — i. An aeronautical radio beacon emitting coded signals that allow a particular point of reference to be identified. ii. A light beacon emitting a two letter identification code in Morse code. A green color is used for civil aerodromes, yellow for …   Aviation dictionary

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