- letter of hypothecation
- залоговое письмо Syn : letter of deposit
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
letter of hypothecation — hypothecation certificate … Useful english dictionary
letter of hypothecation — See hypothecation … Big dictionary of business and management
hypothecation — 1) An authority given to a banker, usually as a letter of hypothecation, to enable the bank to sell goods that have been pledged to them as security for a loan. It applies when the bank is unable to obtain the goods themselves. The goods have… … Accounting dictionary
hypothecation — 1) An authority given to a banker, usually as a letter of hypothecation, to enable the bank to sell goods that have been pledged (see pledge) to them as security for a loan. It applies when the bank is unable to obtain the goods themselves. The… … Big dictionary of business and management
hypothecation certificate — noun : a certificate attached to a bill of exchange empowering the holder to dispose of merchandise if payment or acceptance is refused called also letter of hypothecation … Useful english dictionary
hypothecation letter — document which places a lien on an asset … English contemporary dictionary
ЗАЛОГОВОЕ ПИСЬМО — (letter of hypothecation) См.: ипотека (hypothecation). Бизнес. Толковый словарь. М.: ИНФРА М , Издательство Весь Мир . Грэхэм Бетс, Барри Брайндли, С. Уильямс и др. Общая редакция: д.э.н. Осадчая И.М.. 1998 … Словарь бизнес-терминов
ЗАЛОГОВОЕ ПИСЬМО — (letter of hypothecation) См.: обеспечение и ипотека (hypothecation). Финансы. Толковый словарь. 2 е изд. М.: ИНФРА М , Издательство Весь Мир . Брайен Батлер, Брайен Джонсон, Грэм Сидуэл и др. Общая редакция: д.э.н. Осадчая И.М.. 2000 … Финансовый словарь
ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЕ ИПОТЕКИ — (hypothecation) 1. Предоставление банкиру полномочий, обычно путем вручения ему письма об ипотеке (letter of hypothecation), продавать товары, которые были заявлены банку как залог (См.: залог, закладывать (pledge) по займу в случае, когда банк… … Финансовый словарь
hypothec — a security over moveable property that permits the borrower to retain possession. A hypothec is equivalent to a charge and is employed in international trading transactions. A letter of hypothecation is a letter addressed to a bank giving details … Law dictionary
L/H — abbr. letter of hypothecation … Dictionary of English abbreviation