let it rip
Смотреть что такое "let it rip" в других словарях:
let it rip — let (it/her) rip mainly American, informal if someone lets a vehicle rip, they make it move very fast. She put her foot on the car s accelerator, and he said, OK, let her rip … New idioms dictionary
let her rip — let (it/her) rip mainly American, informal if someone lets a vehicle rip, they make it move very fast. She put her foot on the car s accelerator, and he said, OK, let her rip … New idioms dictionary
let it rip — To allow an action or process to go on in an unrestrained or reckless way • • • Main Entry: ↑rip … Useful english dictionary
let something rip — mainly american informal phrase to make a vehicle move very fast Thesaurus: to go faster, or to make something go fastersynonym Main entry: rip … Useful english dictionary
let it rip — {v. phr.}, {used imperatively}, {slang} Don t be concerned; pay no attention to what happens. * /Why get involved? Forget about it and let it rip./ 2. (Imperatively) Do become involved and make the most of it; get in there and really try to win.… … Dictionary of American idioms
let it rip — {v. phr.}, {used imperatively}, {slang} Don t be concerned; pay no attention to what happens. * /Why get involved? Forget about it and let it rip./ 2. (Imperatively) Do become involved and make the most of it; get in there and really try to win.… … Dictionary of American idioms
let\ it\ rip — v. phr. used imperatively slang Don t be concerned; pay no attention to what happens. Why get involved? Forget about it and let it rip. 2. (Imperatively) Do become involved and make the most of it; get in there and really try to win. Come on man … Словарь американских идиом
let it rip — 1. to make a vehicle or machine move very fast. He would get up early Sunday mornings, fire up the lawnmower, and let her rip. Usage notes: the pronoun her is often used to refer to a machine 2. to do something with energy and enthusiasm. Hendrix … New idioms dictionary
Let her rip! — AND Let it roll! exclam. Let it go!; Let it start! □ Time to start. Let her rip! □ There’s the signal! Let it roll! … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
let her rip — verb To set off or allow to begin. Once we have the tank full we will back away and you can let her rip … Wiktionary
Let her rip! — vp Start it up, release it. OK, put her in gear and let her rip! 1850s … Historical dictionary of American slang