lash out

lash out

1) внезапно лягнуть;
наброситься (against, at) прям. и перен. Never walk behind a horse in case it lashes out (at you) . ≈ Никогда не подходи к лошади сзади, она может лягнуть. He suddenly lashed out and hit me in the face. ≈ Он вдруг набросился на меня и ударил в лицо. She lashed out at me when I was late for work. ≈ Она накинулась на меня за опоздание на работу. The speaker lashed out against the new regulations. ≈ Выступающий набросился с критикой на новые постановления.
2) тратить попусту, транжирить He lashed out five thousand dollars for his daughter's wedding. ≈ Он выкинул пять тысяч долларов на свадьбу дочери. (разговорное) выбрыкнуть;
неожиданно лягнуть (at) сильно и внезапно ударить, наброситься, накинуться (на кого-л.) разразиться бранью, гневными упреками раздавать - to * food раздавать еду (on) давать деньги (на что-л.) - he *ed out on a new car он раскошелился на новый автомобиль

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Поможем решить контрольную работу


Смотреть что такое "lash out" в других словарях:

  • Lash Out — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Con Buco Lash en voz y guitarra, Buglio Lash en guitarras, Leg Lash en Bajo, Lau Out en baterías. Banda punk originaria de la ciudad de Campana, Buenos Aires. Comenzaron a tocar por la zona en el año 1997, con su… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Lash Out — is a Norwegian hardcore/metal band formed in 1992 in Molde. They disbanded in 1999. Its members went on to form bands such as JR Ewing, Thunderbolt and Sportswear.HistoryLash Out arose from the remains of former hardcore bands based in the scene… …   Wikipedia

  • lash out — Brit. spend money extravagantly. → lash lash out hit or kick out. → lash lash out launch a verbal attack. → lash …   English new terms dictionary

  • lash out at — lash out (at (someone/something)) to angrily criticize someone or something. The mayor often lashes out at people who don t agree with him. Usage notes: usually criticism of an opinion or statement …   New idioms dictionary

  • lash out — (at (someone/something)) to angrily criticize someone or something. The mayor often lashes out at people who don t agree with him. Usage notes: usually criticism of an opinion or statement …   New idioms dictionary

  • lash out — phrasal verb Word forms lash out : present tense I/you/we/they lash out he/she/it lashes out present participle lashing out past tense lashed out past participle lashed out 1) [intransitive] to try to hit or attack someone suddenly and violently… …   English dictionary

  • lash out — verb attack in speech or writing The editors of the left leaning paper attacked the new House Speaker • Syn: ↑attack, ↑round, ↑assail, ↑snipe, ↑assault • Derivationally related forms: ↑assaultive ( …   Useful english dictionary

  • lash out — 1) PHRASAL VERB If you lash out, you attempt to hit someone quickly and violently with a weapon or with your hands or feet. [V P] Riot police fired in the air and lashed out with clubs to disperse hundreds of demonstrators... [V P at n] Her… …   English dictionary

  • lash out — v. (D; intr.) to lash out against, at * * * [ læʃ aʊt] at (D; intr.) to lash out against …   Combinatory dictionary

  • lash out —    If you lash out at somebody, you attack them, usually verbally.     On the ninth hole, Pete suddenly lashed out at Scott and accused him of cheating …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • lash out at someone — lash out (at (someone/something)) to angrily criticize someone or something. The mayor often lashes out at people who don t agree with him. Usage notes: usually criticism of an opinion or statement …   New idioms dictionary

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