Lachrymose — Lach ry*mose , a. [L. lacrymosus, better lacrimosus, fr. lacrima, lacruma (also badly spelt lachryma) a tear, for older dacrima, akin to E. tear. See {Tear} the secretion.] Generating or shedding tears; given to shedding tears; suffused with… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lachrymose — [lak′rəmōs΄] adj. [L lacrimosus < lacrima, TEAR2] 1. inclined to shed many tears; tearful 2. causing tears; sad [a lachrymose tale] lachrymosely adv … English World dictionary
lachrymose — index disconsolate Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
lachrymose — 1660s, tear like, from L. lacrimosus tearful, sorrowful, weeping, also causing tears, lamentable, from lacrima tear, a dialect altered borrowing of Gk. dakryma tear, from dakryein to shed tears, from dakry tear, from PIE *dakru /*draku (see TEAR… … Etymology dictionary
lachrymose — ► ADJECTIVE formal or literary 1) tearful. 2) inducing tears; sad … English terms dictionary
lachrymose — [[t]læ̱krɪmoʊs, moʊz[/t]] ADJ GRADED Someone who is lachrymose cries very easily and very often. [LITERARY] ...the tears of lachrymose mourners … English dictionary
lachrymose — adjective formal 1 often crying; tearful: Avril was feeling tired and lachrymose. 2 making you feel sad: lachrymose drama … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
lachrymose — lach|ry|mose [ lækrə,mous ] adjective LITERARY someone who is lachrymose is very sad or crying a. very sad or making you cry … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
lachrymose — UK [ˈlækrɪməʊs] / US [ˈlækrəˌmoʊs] adjective literary a) someone who is lachrymose is very sad or is crying b) very sad, or making you cry … English dictionary
lachrymose — adjective Etymology: Latin lacrimosus, from lacrima Date: circa 1727 1. given to tears or weeping ; tearful 2. tending to cause tears ; mournful • lachrymosely adverb • lachrymosity noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
lachrymose — lachrymosely, adv. lachrymosity /lak reuh mos i tee/, n. /lak reuh mohs /, adj. 1. suggestive of or tending to cause tears; mournful. 2. given to shedding tears readily; tearful. [1655 65; < L lacrimosus, equiv. to lacrim(a) tear (see LACHRYMAL)… … Universalium