generalized pair
Смотреть что такое "generalized pair" в других словарях:
Generalized complex structure — In the field of mathematics known as differential geometry, a generalized complex structure is a property of a differential manifold that includes as special cases a complex structure and a symplectic structure. Generalized complex structures… … Wikipedia
Generalized n-gon — In combinatorial theory, a generalized n gon is an incidence structure introduced by Jacques Tits. Generalized polygons encompass as special cases projective planes (generalized triangles, n = 3) and generalized quadrangles ( n = 4), which form… … Wikipedia
Generalized valence bond — The generalized valence bond (GVB) method is one of the simplest and oldest valence bond method that uses flexible orbitals in the general way used by modern valence bond theory. The method was developed by the group of William A. Goddard, III… … Wikipedia
Generalized permutation matrix — In mathematics, a generalized permutation matrix (or monomial matrix) is a matrix with the same nonzero pattern as a permutation matrix, i.e. there is exactly one nonzero entry in each row and each column. Unlike a permutation matrix, where the… … Wikipedia
Generalized Procrustes analysis — The Procrustes distance provides a metric to minimize in order to align a pair of shape instances annotated by landmark points. Generalized Procrustes analysis (GPA) is a procedure applying the aforementioned Procrustes analysis method to align a … Wikipedia
Gelfand pair — In mathematics, the expression Gelfand pair refers to a pair ( G , K ) consisting of a group G and a subgroup K that satisfies a certain property on restricted representations.When G is a finite group the simplest definition is, roughly speaking … Wikipedia
Closest pair of points problem — Closest pair of points shown in red The closest pair of points problem or closest pair problem is a problem of computational geometry: given n points in metric space, find a pair of points with the smallest distance between them. Its two… … Wikipedia
Standard Generalized Markup Language — Infobox file format name = Standard Generalized Markup Language icon = logo = extension = mime = application/sgml, text/sgml type code = uniform type = public.xml magic = owner = ISO genre = metalanguage container for = contained by = extended… … Wikipedia
Conjugate variables (thermodynamics) — For a more general mathematical discussion, see Conjugate variables. Thermodynamics … Wikipedia
Riemann hypothesis — The real part (red) and imaginary part (blue) of the Riemann zeta function along the critical line Re(s) = 1/2. The first non trivial zeros can be seen at Im(s) = ±14.135, ±21.022 and ±25.011 … Wikipedia
Mollusca — Temporal range: Cambrian–Recent … Wikipedia