generalized operator

generalized operator
мат. обобщенный оператор

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "generalized operator" в других словарях:

  • Generalized game theory — is an extension of game theory to incorporate social theory concepts such as norm, value, belief, role, social relationship, and institution. The theory was developed by Tom R. Burns and has not had great influence beyond his immediate associates …   Wikipedia

  • Generalized Verma module — Generalized Verma modules are object in the representation theory of Lie algebras, a field in mathematics. They were studied originally by James Lepowsky in seventies. The motivation for their study is that their homomorphisms correspond to… …   Wikipedia

  • Generalized Automation Language — (GAL) is a very high level programming language for MVS based systems such as OS/390 and z/OS. It contains features and constructs that enable the programmer to efficiently intercept systems events and schedule responses. Somewhat akin to BASIC,… …   Wikipedia

  • Operator (physics) — In physics, an operator is a function acting on the space of physical states. As a result of its application on a physical state, another physical state is obtained, very often along with some extra relevant information. The simplest example of… …   Wikipedia

  • Generalized function — In mathematics, generalized functions are objects generalizing the notion of functions. There is more than one recognised theory. Generalized functions are especially useful in making discontinuous functions more like smooth functions, and (going …   Wikipedia

  • Generalized Gauss–Bonnet theorem — In mathematics, the generalized Gauss–Bonnet theorem (also called Chern–Gauss–Bonnet theorem) presents the Euler characteristic of a closed even dimensional Riemannian manifold as an integral of a certain polynomial derived from its curvature. It …   Wikipedia

  • Generalized eigenvector — In linear algebra, a generalized eigenvector of a matrix A is a nonzero vector v, which has associated with it an eigenvalue lambda; having algebraic multiplicity k ge;1, satisfying: (A lambda I)^kmathbf{v} = mathbf{0}.Ordinary eigenvectors are… …   Wikipedia

  • Operator (mathematics) — This article is about operators in mathematics. For other uses, see Operator (disambiguation). In basic mathematics, an operator is a symbol or function representing a mathematical operation. In terms of vector spaces, an operator is a mapping… …   Wikipedia

  • Generalized star height problem — The generalized star height problem in formal language theory is the open question whether all regular languages can be expressed using regular expressions with a built in complement operator of limited star height, i. e. with a limited nesting… …   Wikipedia

  • Laplace operator — This article is about the mathematical operator. For the Laplace probability distribution, see Laplace distribution. For graph theoretical notion, see Laplacian matrix. Del Squared redirects here. For other uses, see Del Squared (disambiguation) …   Wikipedia

  • Laplace-Beltrami operator — In differential geometry, the Laplace operator can be generalized to operate on functions defined on surfaces, or more generally on Riemannian and pseudo Riemannian manifolds. This more general operator goes by the name Laplace Beltrami operator …   Wikipedia

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