- gelatinize
- dʒɪˈlætɪnaɪz гл. превращать(ся) в студень, желе
превращать в студень превращаться в студень (химическое) превращать в гель;
превращаться в гель gelatinize превращать(ся) в студень
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Gelatinize — Ge*lat i*nize, v. t. 1. To convert into gelatin or jelly. Same as {Gelatinate}, v. t. [1913 Webster] 2. (Photog.) To coat, or otherwise treat, with gelatin. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gelatinize — Ge*lat i*nize, v. i. Same as {Gelatinate}, v. i. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
gelatinize — (Amer.) ge·lat·i·nize || dÊ’É™ lætnaɪz / tɪn v. change into gelatin; coat with gelatin; make gelatinous; become gelatin like; congeal; solidify (also gelatinise) … English contemporary dictionary
gelatinize — [jə lat′ n īz΄, jel′ə tin īz΄] vt. gelatinized, gelatinizing 1. to change into gelatin or gelatinous matter 2. Photog. to coat with gelatin vi. to be changed into gelatin or gelatinous matter gelatinization n … English World dictionary
gelatinize — verb a) to cause to become gelatinous. We allow that to cook long enough to gelatinize so we can mix it easily. b) to become gelatinous. See Also: gelatinization … Wiktionary
gelatinize — gelatin (also gelatine) ► NOUN 1) a virtually colourless and tasteless water soluble protein prepared from collagen and used in food preparation, in photographic processing, and for making glue. 2) a high explosive consisting chiefly of a gel of… … English terms dictionary
gelatinize — verb 1. coat with gelatin • Derivationally related forms: ↑gelatin • Hypernyms: ↑coat, ↑surface • Verb Frames: Somebody s something Something s something … Useful english dictionary
gelatinize — verb see gelatinization … New Collegiate Dictionary
gelatinize — gelatinization, n. gelatinizer, n. /jeuh lat n uyz , jel euh tn /, v., gelatinized, gelatinizing. v.t. 1. to make gelatinous. 2. to coat with gelatin, as paper. v.i. 3. to become gelatinous. Also, gelatinate; esp. Brit., gelatinise. [1800 10; G … Universalium
gelatinize — 1. To convert into gelatin. 2. To become gelatinous. SYN: gelate. * * * ge·lat·i·nize (jə latґĭ nīz) 1. to convert into gelatin. 2. to become converted into gelatin … Medical dictionary
gelatinize — (Roget s Thesaurus II) verb To change or be changed from a lrquid into a soft, semisolid, or solid mass: clot, coagulate, congeal, curdle, jell, jelly, set1. See SOLID … English dictionary for students