game I

game I

1. n
1) игра;
~s of chance азартные игры;
to play a good (poor) ~ быть хорошим (плохим) игроком;
to play the ~ соблюдать правила, перен . поступать благородно;

2) развлечение, забава;

3) шутка;
to make ~ of высмеивать;
to speak in ~ говорить в шутку;

4) замысел, план;

5) уловка, хитрость;
none of your ~s! разг . бросьте свои штучки!;
you`re having a ~ with me вы хотите меня одурачить;

6) спорт . партия;
pl состязания, игры;
the Olympic Games Олимпийские игры;
the ~ is not worth the candle погов . игра не стоит свеч;
the ~ is up е дело проиграно, все кончено;
to have the ~ in one`s hands иметь козыри на руках, быть в выигрышном положении;

2. a
1) задорный, бойкий, смелый;
to die ~ умереть, но не сдаться, стоять насмерть;

2) готовый (на что-л.) ;
to be ~ for a walk охотно пойти гулять;

3. v играть в азартные игры;
to ~ away проиграть

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "game I" в других словарях:

  • game — [geɪm] noun 1. [countable] an activity in which people compete with each other according to agreed rules: • The market is a game which creates wealth through the process of production exchange. ˈbusiness game also ˈmanagement game [countable]… …   Financial and business terms

  • game — game1 [gām] n. [ME < OE gamen, akin to OFris game, OHG gaman < ? IE base * gwhemb , to leap merrily] 1. any form of play or way of playing; amusement; recreation; sport; frolic; play 2. a) any specific contest, engagement, amusement,… …   English World dictionary

  • Game — Game, n. [OE. game, gamen, AS. gamen, gomen, play, sport; akin to OS., OHG., & Icel. gaman, Dan. gammen mirth, merriment, OSw. gamman joy. Cf. {Gammon} a game, {Backgammon}, {Gamble} v. i.] 1. Sport of any kind; jest, frolic. [1913 Webster] We… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • game — Ⅰ. game [1] ► NOUN 1) an activity engaged in for amusement. 2) a form of competitive activity or sport played according to rules. 3) a complete episode or period of play, ending in a final result. 4) a single portion of play, forming a scoring… …   English terms dictionary

  • Game — Game, a. 1. Having a resolute, unyielding spirit, like the gamecock; ready to fight to the last; plucky. [1913 Webster] I was game . . . .I felt that I could have fought even to the death. W. Irving. [1913 Webster] 2. Of or pertaining to such… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • game — game; game·ly; game·ness; game·some; game·ster; game·to·gen·e·sis; game·to·go·ni·um; game·to·kinetic; non·game; out·game; pre·game; syn·game·on; game·some·ly; game·some·ness; game·to·gen·ic; …   English syllables

  • Game 39 — or the international round is a proposed extra round of matches in the Premier League to be played at neutral venues outside England. The top association football league in England, it is currently played as a double round robin, with each team… …   Wikipedia

  • Game On — Das C64 Spielemagazin auf Diskette wurde von der CP Computer Publications GmbH in Nürnberg veröffentlicht. Die Game On war neben der Magic Disk 64 das bekannteste monatliche deutschsprachige C64 Diskettenmagazin. Die 5 1/4 Zoll große… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • game — vi gamed, gam·ing: to play for a stake: gamble Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. game …   Law dictionary

  • Game On — may refer to: * Game On (The West Wing), an episode of the TV series The West Wing * Game On (BBC television), a 1995 British sitcom about three 20 somethings * Game On (Canadian game show), a 1998 sports trivia game show * Game On (G4… …   Wikipedia

  • -game — game, gamie ♦ Éléments, du gr. gamos « mariage » : cryptogame, bigamie. ⇒aussi gamopétale, gamosépale. game, gamie éléments, du gr. gamos, union, mariage . ⇒ GAME, GAMIE, élém. formants Éléments terminaux issus du gr. « mariage », formant,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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