Смотреть что такое "full-mouthed" в других словарях:
full-mouthed — [fool′mouthd΄, fool′moutht΄] adj. 1. having a full set of teeth: said of cattle, etc. 2. uttered loudly … English World dictionary
full-mouthed — full′ mouthed′ adj. 1) (of cattle, sheep, etc.) having a complete set of teeth 2) noisy; loud • Etymology: 1570–80 … From formal English to slang
full-mouthed — adjective 1》 (of cattle, sheep, etc.) having a full set of adult teeth. 2》 spoken loudly or vigorously … English new terms dictionary
full-mouthed — /fool mowdhd , mowtht /, adj. 1. (of cattle, sheep, etc.) having a complete set of teeth. 2. noisy; loud. [1570 80] * * * … Universalium
full-mouthed — /fool mowdhd , mowtht /, adj. 1. (of cattle, sheep, etc.) having a complete set of teeth. 2. noisy; loud. [1570 80] … Useful english dictionary
full´mouth´ed|ly — full mouthed «FUL MOWTHD, MOWTHT», adjective. 1. having the mouth full of teeth; having the full complement of teeth: »full mouthed cattle. 2. produced with a loud sound; uttered in a loud voice: »a full mouthed laugh. –full´mouth´ed|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
full — 1. adj., adv., n., & v. adj. 1 (often foll. by of) holding all its limits will allow (the bucket is full; full of water). 2 having eaten to one s limits or satisfaction. 3 abundant, copious, satisfying, sufficient (a full programme of events; led … Useful english dictionary
full-mouth — /ˈfʊl maʊθ/ (say fool mowth) adjective 1. (of cattle, sheep, etc.) having all their permanent incisor teeth. –noun 2. such an animal. Also, full mouthed …
flannel-mouthed — [flan′əl mouthd΄, flan′əlmoutht΄] adj. 1. speaking thickly, as if one s mouth were full of flannel 2. garrulous, esp. in an insincere or deceptive way * * * … Universalium
flannel-mouthed — [flan′əl mouthd΄, flan′əlmoutht΄] adj. 1. speaking thickly, as if one s mouth were full of flannel 2. garrulous, esp. in an insincere or deceptive way … English World dictionary
fullmouthed — full·mouthed fu̇l mau̇thd, fəl , mau̇tht adj having a full complement of teeth used esp. of sheep and cattle <fullmouthed ewes> … Medical dictionary