
ˈfju:dʒɪtɪv беглец - a * from justice лицо, скрывающееся от правосудия беженец;
изгнанник - a * from the invaded areas беженец из оккупированных (врагом) районов странник;
бродяга нечто неуловимое нестойкая краска беглый - * soldier беглый солдат - * debtor сбежавший должник вынужденный покинуть свой дом;
беженский, перемещенный мимолетный;
преходящий - * idea мимолетная мысль непрочный, нестойкий - * colours непрочные краски летучий, фугитивный недолговечный, имеющий преходящий интерес - * verse стихотворение-однодневка - the value of most newspaper writing is only * интерес к большинству газетных статей быстро улетучивается странствующий, бродячий - * theatrical company гастролирующий театр fugitive беглец ~ беглый ~ беженец ~ дезертир ~ мимолетный, непрочный ~ verse стихотворение, сочиненное по (какому-л.) случаю

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "fugitive" в других словарях:

  • Fugitive — Fu gi*tive, a. [OE. fugitif, F. fugitif, fr. L. fugitivus, fr. fugere to flee. See {Bow} to bend, and cf. {Feverfew}.] 1. Fleeing from pursuit, danger, restraint, etc., escaping, from service, duty etc.; as, a fugitive solder; a fugitive slave; a …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • fugitive — fu·gi·tive / fyü jə tiv/ n: a person who flees; esp: a person who flees one jurisdiction (as a state) for another in order to elude law enforcement personnel Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. fugitive …   Law dictionary

  • Fugitive — Fu gi*tive, n. 1. One who flees from pursuit, danger, restraint, service, duty, etc.; a deserter; as, a fugitive from justice. [1913 Webster] 2. Something hard to be caught or detained. [1913 Webster] Or Catch that airy fugitive called wit. Harte …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • fugitive — late 14c. (adj. and noun), from O.Fr. fugitif, from L. fugitivus fleeing (but commonly used as a noun meaning runaway, fugitive slave, deserter ), from pp. stem of fugere run away, flee, from PIE root *bheug (1) to flee (Cf. Gk. pheugein to flee …   Etymology dictionary

  • fugitive — [adj] fleeing, transient avoiding, brief, criminal, elusive, ephemeral, errant, erratic, escaping, evading, evanescent, fleeting, flitting, flying*, fugacious, hot*, impermanent, lamster, momentary, moving, on the lam*, passing, planetary,… …   New thesaurus

  • fugitive — [fyo͞o′ji tiv] adj. [ME fugitif < OFr < L fugitivus < pp. of fugere, to flee < IE base * bheug , to flee > Gr phygē, flight] 1. fleeing, apt to flee, or having fled, as from danger, justice, etc. 2. a) passing quickly away;… …   English World dictionary

  • fugitive — adj evanescent, transitory, *transient, fleeting, passing, ephemeral, momentary, short lived …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • fugitive — ► NOUN ▪ a person who has escaped from captivity or is in hiding. ► ADJECTIVE ▪ quick to disappear; fleeting. ORIGIN Latin fugitivus, from fugere flee …   English terms dictionary

  • fugitive — fugitively, adv. fugitiveness, fugitivity, n. /fyooh ji tiv/, n. 1. a person who is fleeing, from prosecution, intolerable circumstances, etc.; a runaway: a fugitive from justice; a fugitive from a dictatorial regime. adj. 2. having taken flight …   Universalium

  • Fugitive — For other uses, see The Fugitive (disambiguation). Fugitives are often profiled in the media in order to be apprehended, such as in the TV show America s Most Wanted. A fugitive (or runaway) is a person who is fleeing from custody, whether it be… …   Wikipedia

  • fugitive — n. 1) to track down a fugitive 2) a fugitive from (a fugitive from justice) * * * [ fjuːdʒɪtɪv] to track down a fugitive a fugitive from (a fugitive from justice) …   Combinatory dictionary

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