
̈ɪfaunt I сущ.
1) источник, ключ преим. перен. a baptismal fount ≈ святой источник To the young boy his father was the fount of all knowledge. ≈ Отец для юноши был источником, из которого от получал все знания. Syn : spring I
1. , source, fountain
2) резервуар II сущ.;
полигр. комплект печатного шрифта Syn : fount of type, fount of letter, type font источник, ключ - a * of wisdom кладезь мудрости - to be a * of inspiration to smb. быть для кого-л. источником вдохновения резервуар (полиграфия) комплект шрифта;
гарнитура - newspaper * гарнитура газетного шрифта - wrong * чужая литера, чужой шрифт (пометка в корректуре)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "fount" в других словарях:

  • fount — fount, font These are the traditional British and American spellings respectively of the term meaning ‘a set of printing type of one size or face’. Font is now also used in BrE, and is rapidly ousting fount. Both words are only remotely connected …   Modern English usage

  • Fount — can refer to:* A spring or fountain (mostly literary or poetic), and thus, metaphorically, a source of something beneficial (as in fount of knowledge, wisdom etc.) * The traditional English spelling of the once Americanized (1828) font (i.e.… …   Wikipedia

  • fount — fount1 [fount] n. [ME font < OFr < L fons, FOUNTAIN] 1. Old Poet. a fountain or spring 2. a source fount2 [fount] n. Brit. FONT2 …   English World dictionary

  • Fount — Fount, n. [See {Font}.] (Print.) A font. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Fount — Fount, n. [OF. font, funt, fr. L. fons, fontis, a fountain; of uncertain origin, perh. akin to fundere to pour, E. found to cast. Cf. {Font}.] A fountain. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • fount — [faunt] n [Date: 1500 1600; Origin: fountain] the fount of all knowledge/wisdom etc literary the place, person, idea etc that all knowledge, ↑wisdom etc comes from …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • fount — [ faunt ] noun count LITERARY a FOUNTAIN a fount of knowledge/wisdom/advice/ideas, etc. OFTEN HUMOROUS a person, organization, book etc. that provides a lot of information, advice, or ideas …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • fount — mid 15c., probably a shortening of FOUNTAIN (Cf. fountain), influenced by M.Fr. font fount …   Etymology dictionary

  • fount — fount·ful; fount; …   English syllables

  • fount — index derivation, fund, source Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • fount — [1] ► NOUN 1) a source of a desirable quality. 2) literary a spring or fountain. ORIGIN from FOUNTAIN(Cf. ↑fountain) …   English terms dictionary

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