foreign availability

foreign availability
доступность из зарубежных источников (если какой-либо товар, на который наложены экспортные ограничения, доступен стране-импортеру из каких-либо других зарубежных источников в достаточных количествах, то ограничения на его поставку в эту страну могут быть сняты)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "foreign availability" в других словарях:

  • Foreign trust — commonly refers to a trust that is governed by the laws of a jurisdiction other than the United States. These trusts may be used for investment, estate planning and succession planning purposes, but are most commonly used for asset… …   Wikipedia

  • Foreign domestic helpers in Hong Kong — Foreign domestic helpers (zh t|t=外籍家庭傭工) in Hong Kong are domestic workers who work in Hong Kong but are from outside of Hong Kong. They make up approximately 3% of the population of Hong Kong and an overwhelming majority of them are women. In… …   Wikipedia

  • Foreign internal defense — (FID) is used by a number of Western militaries, explicitly by the United States but sharing ideas with countries including France and the United Kingdom, to describe an approach to combating actual or threatened insurgency in a foreign state… …   Wikipedia

  • Foreign Broadcast Information Service — (FBIS) is an open source intelligence component of the CIA s Directorate of Science and Technology that monitors, translates, and disseminates within the US Government openly available news and information from non US media sources. Its… …   Wikipedia

  • Foreign Agricultural Service — The Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) is the foreign affairs agency with primary responsibility for the United States Department of Agriculture s (USDA) overseas programs market development, international trade agreements and negotiations, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Foreign relations of South Korea — The foreign relations of South Korea are dominated by its relationships with North Korea, Japan, China and United States.The Constitution of the Sixth Republic vests the conduct of foreign affairs in the presidency and the State Council, subject… …   Wikipedia

  • Foreign involvement in the Spanish Civil War — Bronze plaque honoring the British soldiers of the International Brigades who died defending the Spanish Republic at the monument on Hill 705, Serra de Pàndols. The Spanish Civil War had large numbers of non Spanish citizens participating in… …   Wikipedia

  • Foreign relations of Egypt — Egypt s foreign policy operates along a non aligned level. Factors such as population size, historical events, military strength, diplomatic expertise and a strategic geographical position give Egypt extensive political influence in the Middle… …   Wikipedia

  • Expedited Funds Availability Act — The Expedited Funds Availability Act (EFA or EFAA) was enacted in 1987 by the United States Congress for the purpose of standardizing hold periods on deposits made to commercial banks and to regulate institutions use of deposit holds. It is also… …   Wikipedia

  • United States Foreign Service — Seal of the US Department of State The United States Foreign Service is a component of the United States federal government under the aegis of the United States Department of State. It consists of approximately 11,500 professionals[1] carrying… …   Wikipedia

  • Japan foreign marriage — In recent years rural Japanese men have begun taking foreign brides as a way of countering the reduced number of women who are of marrying and childbearing age that are willing to marry rural Japanese men. The phenomenon has created a new… …   Wikipedia

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