fly|blown — «FLY BLOHN», adjective. 1. tainted by the eggs or larvae of flies. 2. Figurative. spoiled; tainted; corrupted … Useful english dictionary
fly-blown — Stale. Shabby … A concise dictionary of English slang
fly·blown — /ˈflaıˌbloʊn/ adj chiefly Brit : in poor and dirty condition a flyblown old building : made dirty by flies : not suitable for eating flyblown food … Useful english dictionary
fly-blown — … Useful english dictionary
Blown — Blown, p. p. & a. 1. Swollen; inflated; distended; puffed up, as cattle when gorged with green food which develops gas. [1913 Webster] 2. Stale; worthless. [1913 Webster] 3. Out of breath; tired; exhausted. Their horses much blown. Sir W. Scott.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fly — 1. v. & n. v. (flies; past flew; past part. flown) 1 intr. move through the air under control, esp. with wings. 2 (of an aircraft or its occupants): a intr. travel through the air or through space. b tr. traverse (a region or distance) (flew the… … Useful english dictionary
Blown for Good — Book cover … Wikipedia
fly|blow — «FLY BLOH», noun, verb, blew, blown, blow|ing. –n. the egg or young larva of a blowfly deposited especially in or on meat. –v.t. 1. to deposit eggs or larvae in or on (especially meat). 2. Figurative. to oil; taint; … Useful english dictionary
fly — fly1 [ flaı ] (past tense flew [ flu ] ; past participle flown [ floun ] ) verb *** ▸ 1 move with wings ▸ 2 go by/use airplane ▸ 3 move fast (through air) ▸ 4 about time ▸ 5 about flag/kite ▸ 6 be blown around in wind ▸ 7 about ideas/opinions ▸ 8 … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
fly — I UK [flaɪ] / US verb Word forms fly : present tense I/you/we/they fly he/she/it flies present participle flying past tense flew UK [fluː] / US [flu] past participle flown UK [fləʊn] / US [floʊn] *** 1) [intransitive] to travel by plane Sometimes … English dictionary
Blow-fly — Taxobox name = Calliphoridae image caption = Pollenia rudis female regnum = Animalia phylum = Arthropoda subphylum = Hexapoda classis = Insecta subclassis = Pterygota infraclassis = Neoptera superordo = Endopterygota| ordo = Diptera subordo =… … Wikipedia