flexible trunk

flexible trunk
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "flexible trunk" в других словарях:

  • trunk — [truŋk] n. [ME tronke < OFr tronc < L truncus, a stem, trunk < truncus, maimed, mutilated < IE * tronkus < base * trenk , to press together, crowd > THRONG] 1. the main stem of a tree 2. the body of a human being or animal, not… …   English World dictionary

  • Flexible-fuel vehicle — For other types of vehicles, see Alternative fuel vehicle and Hybrid vehicle. The Ford Model T was the first commercial flex fuel vehicle. The engine was capable of running on gasoline or ethanol, or a mix of both. A flexible fuel vehicle (FFV)… …   Wikipedia

  • flexible — 01. My wife is quite [flexible] because she practices yoga, and she does all these poses to stretch her muscles. 02. Jim [flexed] his muscles just as the girls walked by, hoping to impress them. 03. Being a goalie in hockey requires a great deal… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • trunk — trunkless, adj. /trungk/, n. 1. the main stem of a tree, as distinct from the branches and roots. 2. a large, sturdy box or chest for holding or transporting clothes, personal effects, or other articles. 3. a large compartment, usually in the… …   Universalium

  • trunk — /trʌŋk / (say trungk) noun 1. the main stem of a tree, as distinct from the branches and roots. 2. a box or chest for holding clothes and other articles, as for use on a journey. 3. the body of a human being or of an animal, excluding the head… …  

  • trunk — [[t]trʌŋk[/t]] n. 1) bot the main stem of a tree, as distinct from the branches and roots 2) a large sturdy box or case for holding or transporting clothes, personal effects, etc 3) aum a large compartment, usu. in the rear of an automobile, for… …   From formal English to slang

  • elephant trunk — noun : a flexible chute used to direct coal onto a pile with limited blowing of dust or to direct concrete with minimum spatter …   Useful english dictionary

  • proboscidean — /proh beuh sid ee euhn, bo , proh bos i dee euhn/, adj. 1. pertaining to or resembling a proboscis. 2. having a proboscis. 3. belonging or pertaining to the mammals of the order Proboscidea, characterized by a flexible trunk formed of the… …   Universalium

  • Pauropoda — Taxobox name = Pauropods image caption = Pauropus huxleyi regnum = Animalia phylum = Arthropoda subphylum = Myriapoda classis = Pauropoda classis authority = Lubbock, 1868 ordo = Pauropodina subdivision ranks = Families subdivision =… …   Wikipedia

  • Amebelodon — Taxobox name = Amebelodon fossil range = Middle to Late Miocene regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Mammalia ordo = Proboscidea familia = Gomphotheriidae genus = Amebelodon genus authority = Barbour, 1927 Amebelodon is a member of a… …   Wikipedia

  • Cajeput Tree — is the common name used for certain members of the genus Melaleuca , native to Australia. Primarily it refers to M. leucadendra , M. linariifolia , M. viridflora and M. quinquenervia . The cajeput trees are the source of cajeput oil, an essential …   Wikipedia

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