flexible tree
Смотреть что такое "flexible tree" в других словарях:
Flexible single master operation — Flexible Single Master Operations (FSMO, F is sometimes floating ; pronounced Fiz mo), or just single master operation or operations master, is a feature of Microsoft s Active Directory (AD).[1] As of 2005, the term FSMO has been deprecated… … Wikipedia
Tree — /tree/, n. Sir Herbert Beerbohm /bear bohm/, (Herbert Beerbohm), 1853 1917, English actor and theater manager; brother of Max Beerbohm. * * * I Woody perennial plant. Most trees have a single self supporting trunk containing woody tissues, and in … Universalium
Tree City USA — is a tree planting and tree care program sponsored by The National Arbor Day Foundation for cities and towns in the United States. Requirements : See also List of Tree Cities USA To qualify for Tree City USA, a town or city must meet four… … Wikipedia
tree — treelike, adj. /tree/, n., v., treed, treeing. n. 1. a plant having a permanently woody main stem or trunk, ordinarily growing to a considerable height, and usually developing branches at some distance from the ground. 2. any of various shrubs,… … Universalium
Tree of Knowledge System — The Tree of Knowledge (ToK) System is a novel, theoretical approach to the unification of psychology developed by professor Gregg Henriques of James Madison University.The outline of the system was published in 2003 in Review of General… … Wikipedia
Tree of life vision — The Tree of life vision is a vision recounted in the Book of Mormon that was received by the prophet Lehi, and later by his son Nephi who wrote about it in the First Book of Nephi. The vision symbolizes the spiritual plight of mankind, and is a… … Wikipedia
Hilbert R-tree — Hilbert R tree, an R tree variant, is an index for multidimensional objects like lines, regions, 3 D objects, or high dimensional feature based parametric objects. It can be thought of as an extension to B+ tree for multidimensional objects.The… … Wikipedia
Self-balancing binary search tree — In computer science, a self balancing binary search tree or height balanced binary search tree is a binary search tree that attempts to keep its height , or the number of levels of nodes beneath the root, as small as possible at all times,… … Wikipedia
Pin flexible — Pinus flexilis Pinus flexili … Wikipédia en Français
Scapegoat tree — In computer science, a scapegoat tree is a self balancing binary search tree, invented by Igal Galperin and Ronald L. Rivest. It provides worst case O(log n ) lookup time, and O(log n ) amortized insertion and deletion time.Unlike other self… … Wikipedia
A Boy in the Tree — Infobox Television episode Title = A Boy in the Tree Series = Bones Caption = Season = 1 Episode = 3 Airdate = September 27, 2005 Production = 1AKY01 Writer = Hart Hanson Director = Patrick Norris Photographer = Guests = Toby Hemingway as Tucker… … Wikipedia