flat blade screwdriver
Смотреть что такое "flat blade screwdriver" в других словарях:
flat-bladed screwdriver — A screwdriver which has a blade at its end to fit slotted screws. This type is the least desirable screw giving the least amount of torquing ability. If the screwdriver does not fit well, the screw is easily damaged … Dictionary of automotive terms
Screwdriver — Infobox tool name = Screwdriver caption =A flathead screwdriver| other name =Turnscrew classification = Hand tool types = See shape chart below used with = related = Hex key WrenchThe screwdriver is a device specifically designed to insert and… … Wikipedia
screwdriver — /skrooh druy veuhr/, n. 1. a hand tool for turning a screw, consisting of a handle attached to a long, narrow shank, usually of metal, which tapers and flattens out to a tip that fits into the slotted head of a screw. 2. a mixed drink made with… … Universalium
Phillips screwdriver — noun A screwdriver having a cross shaped tip rather than the rectangular tip of a standard (flat blade) screwdriver. See Also: phillips head, Phillips head, phillips head screwdriver, Phillips head screwdriver, phillips head, Phillips head,… … Wiktionary
Blade — For other uses, see Blade (disambiguation). Knife blades A blade is that portion of a tool, weapon, or machine with a cutting edge and/or a pointed tip that is designed to cut and/or puncture, stab, slash, chop, slice, thrust, or scrape animate… … Wikipedia
blade — [1] A straight narrow flat part like the end of a screwdriver or knife. [2] The part of a windshield wiper (blade rubber) which contacts the windshield. [3] One of the vanes of a rotor or impeller. Also see bumper blade bumping blade fan blade… … Dictionary of automotive terms
blade — 1. noun /bleɪd/ a) The sharp cutting edge of a knife, chisel, or other tool, a razor blade. b) The flat functional end of a propeller, oar, hockey stick, screwdriver, skate, etc … Wiktionary
P-38 can opener — Vietnam war era P 38 The P 38, developed in 1942,[1] is a small can opener issued in the canned field rations of the United States Armed Forces from World War II to the 1980s. Originally designed for and distributed in the … Wikipedia
Loran (cassette) — Loran was the brand name of a blank compact audio cassette marketed throughout the 1970s and 1980s and manufactured by Loran Cassettes Audio Products, Inc, a division of Loranger Manufacturing Corporation.Unlike most other brands of cassettes at… … Wikipedia
отвёртка с плоским лезвием — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN flat blade screwdriver … Справочник технического переводчика
spoon — [1] A tire iron tool used to remove a tire (especially a bicycle or motorcycle tire) from its rim. Usually two or three spoons are necessary to do the job. Using a flat blade screwdriver instead of a spoon may puncture the tube. [2] See body… … Dictionary of automotive terms