flat bit
Смотреть что такое "flat bit" в других словарях:
bit*/*/*/ — [bɪt] grammar word I summary: A bit can be: ■ an adverb: We waited a bit, and then decided to go. ♦ It s a bit cold in here, isn t it? ■ a pronoun: She only ate a little bit. ♦ I could use a bit of help. a bit informal 1) slightly, or a… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
bit by bit — adverb 1. a little bit at a time the research structure has developed piecemeal • Syn: ↑piecemeal, ↑little by little, ↑in stages 2. in a gradual manner the snake moved gradually toward its victim • Syn: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
bit by bit — gradually or in small stages I ll move my things into the flat bit by bit … English dictionary
Flat cap — Side View Flat Cap Frontal A flat cap is a rounde … Wikipedia
Bit Riot Records — Founded 2007 Founder Eric Dusik Tonya Leigh Genre Electronic music, industrial music Country of origin United States Location … Wikipedia
Bit Inn Suites Gran Santiago — (Сантьяго,Чили) Категория отеля: Адрес: Huerfanos 1400, Сантьяго цен … Каталог отелей
Flat Assembler — unter MenuetOS Basisdaten Entwickler Tomasz Grysztar Aktuelle Version … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bit mouthpiece — This article is about the part of a bit that goes into the mouth of a horse. For an overview of bits in general, see Bit (horse). For types of bridles, see Bridle. Single jointed pelham. The mouthpiece is the part of a horse s bit that goes into… … Wikipedia
Bit ring — This article is about the rings on the outside of a bit. For an over of bits in general, see bit (horse). For information on leverage devices, see bit shank. The bit ring is the ring on the side of a horse s bit, particularly on a snaffle bit. It … Wikipedia
Flat memory model — In computer systems design, a flat memory model refers to a linear addressing paradigm, such that the CPU can directly (and sequentially) address all of the available memory locations, without having to resort to any sort of bank switching or… … Wikipedia
Flat Daddy — A Flat Daddy (also Flat Mommy or Flat Soldier) is a life sized cardboard cut out of someone absent from home, the idea being to keep connected to family members during a deployment. Flat Daddies came in fashion after the start of the Iraq War… … Wikipedia