
сущ., амер., сл. пресс-агент Syn : press agent, publicity man (просторечие) агент по печати (просторечие) агент (фирмы, кинозвезды и т. п.) для связи с печатью (просторечие) реклама, паблисити (просторечие) быть агентом (фирмы, кинозвезды и т. п.) для связи с печатью (просторечие) рекламировать, создавать шумиху (вокруг какого-л. имени)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "flack" в других словарях:

  • Flack — is a surname, and may refer to:;Persons *Audrey Flack (b. 1931), American painter and sculptor *Caroline Flack (contemporary), British television presenter *Edwin Flack (1873–1935), Australian Olympic athlete in track and field and tennis *John… …   Wikipedia

  • Flack — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Audrey Flack (* 1931), US amerikanische Malerin und Bildhauerin Edwin Flack (1873–1935), australischer Leichtathlet Layne Flack (* 1969), US amerikanischer Pokerspieler Lotte Flack (* 1994), deutsche… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • flack — [flæk] also flak noun [countable] informal a person whose job is to represent an organization and talk to newspaper and television reporters, answering their questions about a negative story involving the organization: • He put a shield between… …   Financial and business terms

  • flack — (n.) publicity or press agent, 1945, also as a verb by that year, said to have been coined in show biz magazine Variety (but this is not the first attested use), supposedly from name of Gene Flack, a movie agent, but influenced by FLAK (Cf. flak) …   Etymology dictionary

  • flack — flack·er; flack·ery; flack; …   English syllables

  • Flack — (Schiffsw.), so v.w. Flaak …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • flack — [flæk] n 1.) another spelling of ↑flak 2.) AmE informal someone whose job is to represent an organization and answer questions about it, especially when something bad has happened ▪ They spent millions on lobbyists and flacks to improve their… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • flack — [ flæk ] another spelling of flak …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • flack — N. Amer. informal ► NOUN ▪ a publicity agent. ► VERB ▪ publicize or promote. ORIGIN of unknown origin …   English terms dictionary

  • flack — ☆ flack1 [flak ] n. [< ?] Slang PRESS AGENT vi. Slang to serve as a press agent flackery n. flack2 [flak] n. alt. sp. of FLAK …   English World dictionary

  • flack|er|y — «FLAK uhr ee», noun. Slang. press agentry; publicity; promotion: »There were also slogans minted by a Manhattan advertising agency and mimeographed press releases that smacked of big city flackery (Time) …   Useful english dictionary

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