fixed automaton

fixed automaton
фиксированный автомат

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "fixed automaton" в других словарях:

  • Probabilistic automaton — In mathematics and computer science, the probabilistic automaton (PA) is a generalization of the non deterministic finite automaton; it includes the probability of a given transition into the transition function, turning it into a transition… …   Wikipedia

  • Quantum dot cellular automaton — Quantum Dot Cellular Automata (sometimes referred to simply as quantum cellular automata, or QCA) Any device designed to represent data and perform computation, regardless of the physics principles it exploits and materials used to build it, must …   Wikipedia

  • Movable cellular automaton — method Movable cellular automaton actively changed self neighbors by means switching neighbors state from linked to unlinked and vice versa (modeling of contact interaction) Method type Continuous/Discrete Discrete …   Wikipedia

  • Garden of Eden (cellular automaton) — An orphan pattern in Conway s Game of Life, discovered by R. Banks in 1971.[1] …   Wikipedia

  • Tree walking automaton — A tree walking automaton (TWA) is a type of finite automaton that deals with tree structures rather than strings.The following article deals with tree walking automata. For a different notion of tree automaton, closely related to regular tree… …   Wikipedia

  • Pebble automaton — A pebble automaton is an extension of tree walking automata which allows the automaton to use a finite amount of pebbles , used for marking tree node. The result is a model stronger than ordinary tree walking automata, but still strictly weaker… …   Wikipedia

  • Asynchronous cellular automaton — Cellular automata, as with other multi agent system models, usually treat time as discrete and state updates as occurring synchronously. The state of every cell in the model is updated together, before any of the new states influence other cells …   Wikipedia

  • Curtis–Hedlund–Lyndon theorem — The Curtis–Hedlund–Lyndon theorem is a mathematical characterization of cellular automata in terms of their symbolic dynamics. It is named after Morton L. Curtis, Gustav A. Hedlund, and Roger Lyndon; in his 1969 paper stating the theorem, Hedlund …   Wikipedia

  • automata theory — Body of physical and logical principles underlying the operation of any electromechanical device (an automaton) that converts information input in one form into another, or into some action, according to an algorithm. Norbert Wiener and Alan M.… …   Universalium

  • Switch-technology — is a technology for automata based programming support. It was proposed by Anatoly Shalyto in 1991. It involves software specification, design, implementation, debugging, documentation and maintenance. The term “automata based programming” is… …   Wikipedia

  • Robot — This article is about mechanical robots. For other uses of the term, see robot (disambiguation). For software agents, see Bot. ASIMO (2000) at the Expo 2005, a humanoid robot …   Wikipedia

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