fixed attached
Смотреть что такое "fixed attached" в других словарях:
fixed — I (securely placed) adjective anchored, certus, fast, fastened, firm, firmly established, firmly implanted, firmly seated, firmly set, immovable, irremovable, made fast, permanent, rendered stable, rigid, secure, set, solid, sound, stable,… … Law dictionary
fixed-wing aircraft — noun An aircraft in which the wings are attached to the fuselage, as opposed to eg a helicopter with rotating ‘wings or propellers • • • Main Entry: ↑fix * * * fixed wing aircraft «FIHKST WIHNG», an aircraft with wings attached to the fuselage,… … Useful english dictionary
fixed — [fikst] adj. 1. firmly placed or attached; not movable 2. established; settled; set [a fixed price] 3. steady; unmoving; resolute [a fixed purpose] 4. remaining in the same position relative to the earth [a fixed satellite] 5. persisting… … English World dictionary
attached — I (annexed) adjective added, affixed, agglutinated, appendant, appended, aptus, bound, conjoined, connected, fastened, fixed, joined, paired, subjoined, united II (seized) adjective adeemed, annexed, appropriated, arrogated, confiscated, disseis … Law dictionary
Fixed prosthodontics — in dentistry is a technique used to restore teeth, using fixed restorations (also referred to as indirect restorations), which include crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays, and veneers. Prosthodontists are specialist dentists who have undertaken… … Wikipedia
fixed — [adj1] permanent, steady anchored, attached, established, fast, firm, hitched, hooked, immobile, immotile, immovable, located, locked, made fast, nailed*, quiet, rigid, rooted, secure, set, settled, situated, solid, stable, steadfast, stiff,… … New thesaurus
Fixed-gear bicycle — A fixed gear bicycle or fixed wheel bicycle, is a bicycle without the ability to coast. The sprocket is screwed directly on to the hub and there is no freewheel mechanism. A reverse thread lockring is usually fitted to prevent the sprocket from… … Wikipedia
fixed — fixedly /fik sid lee, fikst lee/, adv. fixedness, n. /fikst/, adj. 1. fastened, attached, or placed so as to be firm and not readily movable; firmly implanted; stationary; rigid. 2. rendered stable or permanent, as color. 3. set or intent upon… … Universalium
fixed — [[t]fɪkst[/t]] adj. 1) attached or placed so as to be firm and not readily movable; stationary; rigid 2) rendered stable or permanent, as color 3) set or intent upon something; steadily directed: a fixed stare[/ex] 4) definitely and permanently… … From formal English to slang
attached — at|tached [ ə tætʃt ] adjective * 1. ) joined or fixed to something: To take advantage of this offer please complete the attached forms. 2. ) liking someone very much or loving them: attached to: She found herself growing deeply attached to the… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
attached */ — UK [əˈtætʃt] / US adjective 1) joined or fixed to something To take advantage of this offer please complete the attached forms. 2) a) liking someone very much, or loving them attached to: She found herself growing deeply attached to the old lady … English dictionary