finite union
Смотреть что такое "finite union" в других словарях:
Union (set theory) — Union of two sets … Wikipedia
Finite topological space — In mathematics, a finite topological space is a topological space for which the underlying point set is finite. That is, it is a topological space for which there are only finitely many points.While topology is mostly interesting only for… … Wikipedia
Union-closed sets conjecture — In combinatorial mathematics, the union closed sets conjecture is an elementary problem, posed by Péter Frankl in 1979 and still open as of 2008. A family of sets is said to be union closed if the union of any two sets from the family remains in… … Wikipedia
Union of Christendom — • Includes the Catholic Church together with the many other religious communions which have either directly or indirectly, separated from it Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Union of Christendom Union of Christend … Catholic encyclopedia
Finite set — In mathematics, a set is called finite if there is a bijection between the set and some set of the form {1, 2, ..., n} where n is a natural number. (The value n = 0 is allowed; that is, the empty set is finite.) An infinite set is a set which is… … Wikipedia
Finite field — In abstract algebra, a finite field or Galois field (so named in honor of Évariste Galois) is a field that contains only finitely many elements. Finite fields are important in number theory, algebraic geometry, Galois theory, cryptography, and… … Wikipedia
Finite state transducer — A finite state transducer (FST) is a finite state machine with two tapes: an input tape and an output tape. This contrasts with an ordinary finite state automaton (or finite state acceptor), which has a single tape. OverviewAn automaton can be… … Wikipedia
Union of two regular languages — In formal language theory, and in particular the theory of nondeterministic finite state machines, it is known that the union of two regular languages is a regular language. This article provides a proof of that statement.TheoremFor any regular… … Wikipedia
Locally finite collection — In the mathematical field of topology, local finiteness is a property of collections of subsets of a topological space. It is fundamental in the study of paracompactness and topological dimension. A collection of subsets of a topological space X… … Wikipedia
Σ-finite measure — In mathematics, a positive (or signed) measure mu; defined on a sigma; algebra Sigma; of subsets of a set X is called finite, if mu;( X ) is a finite real number (rather than ∞). The measure mu; is called σ finite, if X is the countable union of… … Wikipedia
Quasi-finite field — In mathematics, a quasi finite field is a generalisation of a finite field. Standard local class field theory usually deals with complete fields whose residue field is finite , but the theory applies equally well when the residue field is only… … Wikipedia