fill-or-kill order
Смотреть что такое "fill-or-kill order" в других словарях:
fill-and-kill order — ( FAK) At order entry, the order is executed to the extent possible; the remainder (if any) is canceled. Chicago Mercantile Exchange Glossary … Financial and business terms
fill-or-kill order — ( FOK) A limit order that must be filled immediately or canceled. Chicago Mercantile Exchange Glossary … Financial and business terms
fill or kill order — ( FOK; FOK order) A trading order that is canceled unless executed within a designated time period. A market or limited price order that is to be executed in its entirety as soon as it is represented in the trading crowd, and, if not so executed … Financial and business terms
Fill or kill order — A trading order that is canceled unless executed within a designated time period. Related: open order. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * fill or kill order UK US noun [C] (ABBREVIATION FOK) STOCK MARKET ► an instruction to a broker (=… … Financial and business terms
Fill or Kill order — ( FOK) Also known as a quick order, is a limit order which, if not filled immediately, is canceled. The CENTER ONLINE Futures Glossary * * * fill or kill order UK US noun [C] (ABBREVIATION FOK) STOCK MARKET ► an instruction to a broker (= someone … Financial and business terms
Fill Or Kill - FOK — A type of time in force designation used in securities trading that instructs a brokerage to execute a transaction immediately and completely or not at all. This type of order is most likely to be used by active traders and is usually for a large … Investment dictionary
fill or kill — ( FOK) The fill or kill instruction goes along with your order saying that your order must immediately be filled in its entirety or cancelled. NYSE Euronext Glossary * * * fill or kill ˌfill or ˈkill adjective informal FINANCE fill or kill orders … Financial and business terms
Fill or kill — is an instruction to fill an investor s order in its entirety or cancel it, customarily in a few seconds. Fill or kill orders are used by day traders hoping to scalp the markets in short durations.External links*… … Wikipedia
Fill-or-Kill — Orderzusätze oder Handelsoptionen sind Bezeichnungen, die eine Wertpapierorder genauer bezeichnen und bestimmte Bedingungen stellen, unter denen diese Order ausgeführt werden soll. Es gibt generell die Unterscheidung zwischen unlimitierten und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Fill or kill — Orderzusätze oder Handelsoptionen sind Bezeichnungen, die eine Wertpapierorder genauer bezeichnen und bestimmte Bedingungen stellen, unter denen diese Order ausgeführt werden soll. Es gibt generell die Unterscheidung zwischen unlimitierten und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
fill or kill — AND FOKphr. a broker’s notation advising the stock exchange to fill a stock order or kill it. (The abbreviation is an initialism. Securities markets.) □ Get rid of this order. It was fill or kill, and it should have been killed yesterday. □… … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions