
ˈfɑ:ˈsaɪtɪd прил.
1) дальнозоркий Syn : long-sighted
2) перен. дальновидный, предусмотрительный, прозорливый;
проницательный It was far-sighted of her to buy up this property. ≈ Она поступила очень предусмотрительно, что скупила эту собственность. Syn : clear-sighted, far-seeing, shrewd, prudent дальнозоркий дальновидный, прозорливый, предусмотрительный - he was known as a wise and * politician он был известен как мудрый и дальновидный политический деятель в грам. знач. сущ. (the *) дальнозоркий - spectacles for the * очки для дальнозорких far-sighted дальновидный, прозорливый, предусмотрительный ~ дальнозоркий

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "far-sighted" в других словарях:

  • far-sighted — [ US ˈ. ˌ..] adj 1.) far sighted people, ideas, or plans are wise because they show an understanding of what will happen in the future ▪ far sighted investments ▪ a far sighted politician 2.) especially AmE able to see or read things clearly only …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • far-sighted — ► ADJECTIVE 1) far seeing. 2) N. Amer. long sighted …   English terms dictionary

  • far-sighted — also farsighted, 1640s, forecasting, prescient; 1878 as a defect of the eyes (hypermetropic); see FAR (Cf. far) + SIGHT (Cf. sight). Related: Farsightedness …   Etymology dictionary

  • far-sighted — [adj] looking ahead wisely acute, canny, cautious, clairvoyant, commonsensical, cool headed*, discerning, judicious, levelheaded, perceptive, politic, prescient, provident, prudent, sagacious, sage, shrewd, well balanced, wise; concept 402 Ant.… …   New thesaurus

  • far-sighted — 1) ADJ GRADED (approval) If you describe someone as far sighted, you admire them because they understand what is likely to happen in the future, and therefore make wise decisions and plans. Haven t far sighted economists been telling us for some… …   English dictionary

  • far-sighted — /ˈfa saɪtəd / (say fah suytuhd) adjective 1. seeing to a great distance. 2. seeing objects at a distance more clearly than those near at hand; long sighted; hypermetropic. 3. foreseeing future results wisely: *And what this damned place needs is… …  

  • far-sighted — adjective 1 able to realize what will happen in the future and make wise decisions: a far sighted economic policy. 2 especially AmE able to see or read things clearly only when they are far away from you; longsighted opposite short­sighted… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • far-sighted — UK / US adjective 1) able to imagine what effects an action will have in the future so that you make good decisions far sighted policies 2) American long sighted 1) …   English dictionary

  • far-sighted anticipation — įžvalgioji anticipacija statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Tolesnių varžovo veiksmų numatymas, atsižvelgiant į rungtynių (kovos, lenktynių) svarbą, varžybų eigą ir kitus veiksnius. atitikmenys: angl. far sighted anticipation vok …   Sporto terminų žodynas

  • far-sighted — adjective 1》 far seeing. 2》 N. Amer. long sighted. Derivatives far sightedly adverb far sightedness noun …   English new terms dictionary

  • far-sighted — adj. 1 having foresight, prudent. 2 esp. US = LONG SIGHTED. Derivatives: far sightedly adv. far sightedness n …   Useful english dictionary

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