fancy bread
Смотреть что такое "fancy bread" в других словарях:
fancy bread — noun : bread in other form than the conventional yeast raised loaf; especially : any of various raised breads enriched (as with eggs, sweetenings, or nuts and fruit) and often baked in some other shape than an elongated loaf (as a braid or twist… … Useful english dictionary
Bread and salt — is a Slavic welcome greeting ceremony.Known by its local names;* * * * * * * * *Two non Slavic nations also have this tradition: Lithuanians (Baltic) and Romanians (Latin), both of them being culturally and historically close to their Slavic… … Wikipedia
Fancy mouse — A tame black fancy mouse Fancy mice ( fancy , in this context, means hobby ) are domesticated breeds of the common or house mouse (Mus musculus). The terms fancy and feeder mice are often used interchangeably by retailers, and are in fact the… … Wikipedia
Fun and Fancy Free — Original theatrical release poster Directed by Jack Kinney (animation) Bill Roberts (animation) Hamilton Luske (animation) William Morgan … Wikipedia
French bread — noun a crusty sourdough bread often baked in long slender tapered loaves or baguettes • Hypernyms: ↑white bread, ↑light bread • Hyponyms: ↑baguet, ↑baguette * * * noun Usage: usually capitalized F Etymology … Useful english dictionary
Cockle-Bread — In the 19th and 20th centuries, Cockle Bread was a children s game in which one squats on its haunches with hands clasped beneath the thighs, while others grasp its arms and swing it to and fro. This action was often accompanied by a rhyme:… … A Dictionary of English folklore
gin|ger|bread — «JIHN juhr BREHD», noun, adjective. –n. 1. a kind of cake flavored with ginger and sweetened with molasses. Gingerbread is often made in fancy shapes. 2. Figurative. something showy and elaborate, but not in good taste; tasteless and useless… … Useful english dictionary
Kalashnikov — is commonly used to refer to a type of rifle:Rifles*AK 47, or another rifle in that series *AK 74People*Mikhail Kalashnikov (born 1919), Russian small arms designer *Maxim Kalashnikov (born 1966), pen name of a Russian writer and political… … Wikipedia
Кодай З. — (Kodaly) Зольтан (16 XII 1882, Кечкемет 6 III 1967, Будапешт) венг. композитор, музыковед фольклорист, педагог и муз. обществ. деятель. Чл. Венг. АН (с 1943; в 1946 49 президент). Получив начальное муз. образование под рук. матери,… … Музыкальная энциклопедия
γαλακτίου — γαλάκτιον fancy bread made with milk neut gen sg γαλακτίας masc gen sg … Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)
γαλακτίων — γαλάκτιον fancy bread made with milk neut gen pl γαλακτιάω give no milk imperf ind act 3rd pl (homeric ionic) γαλακτιάω give no milk imperf ind act 1st sg (homeric ionic) … Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)